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IMPE-Quy Nhon organizes a scientific seminar on "Application of Cold Plasma technology in elimination of corona and malaria parasites in Vietnam"

         o­n February 24, 2020, IMPE-Quy Nhon held a scientific seminar o­n "Application of Cold Plasma technology in the elimination of corona and parasites in Vietnam" for the Institute staff.

          Attending the seminar, Mr. Tran Thanh Chau, Director of Paint & More Asia Joint Stock Company, Prof. Dr. Vuong Thanh Son, Lecturer of Britsh Columbia University (Canada) and Dr. Hoang Cao Thang, Lecturer of University Hue Medicine and Pharmacy. o­n the side of the Institute, there was the presence of Assoc.Prof. Dr. Ho Van Hoang, Director and other professional staff of the Institute.

        At the meeting, Prof. Dr. Vuong Thanh Son presented the topic "Application of Cold Plasma technology to destroy corona vius and parasites in Vietnam" and proposed some research cooperation directions at the Institute and shared experience in scientific research.

Prof.Dr. Vuong Thanh Son presents a thematic report at the meeting

          In recent years, applications of cold plasmas in life sciences are emerging all over the world. In the medical field, over the past 10 years, Medical Plasma is the main use of cold plasma to heal wounds o­n the human body. The main goal of cold plasma applications in medicine is wound healing as well as treatment of infections and dermatitis.

      Cold plasma has also been shown to have inhibitory effects o­n many microorganisms, both spores and viruses. When the plasma beam is directed at the surface to be processed (molds, bacteria) with large dynamic electrons and ions, the UV rays appearing in the plasma creation process will bombard the cell wall of fungi, bacteria, creating radical oxidative radicals and they will break down DNA structures, break down cell walls, bonds between components in bacterial cells, mycosis viruses, causing irreversible damage and microbial death object.

         Speaking at the seminar, Assoc.Prof.Dr. Ho Van Hoang, President emphasized some important information related to the Institute's research and opened up a number of new studies o­n the application of Cold Plasma technology. in the medical field in general and in the parasitic profession in particular, especially in the field of parasitic infections, intestinal antimicrobials and skin fungi.

Assoc.Prof. Dr. Ho Van Hoang, Director made a speech at the seminar

           Also at the seminar, the Institute's researchers also posed a number of questions for Prof.Dr. Vuong Thanh Son o­n cold plasma technology is applied in the medical field in terms of safety, efficiency and prospects that technology application brings.

          Ending the meeting, Assoc.Prof.Dr. Ho Van Hoang emphasized o­nce more o­n the Institute's research cooperation opportunities with your company and with individuals Prof. Dr. Vuong Thanh Son. Hopefully in the coming time, the Institute and you will have effective researches for medicine and for the benefit of patients.

Dr. Nguyen Xuan Quang, Head of Department of Entomology (the 4th person, from right to right) received the delegation of Prof.Dr. Vuong Thanh Son (3rd person, from right) to the Institute's mosquito breeding lab.

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Institue of Malariology Parastology and Entomology Quy Nhon
Address: 611B Nguyen Thai Hoc Str,. Quy Nhon City
Tel: (84) 056 846571 Fax: (84) 056 846755
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