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Some research publications related to immunity in and treatment of human scabies

1.Abd El-Aal AA, Hassan MA, Gawdat HI, Ali MA, Barakat M. (2016).Immunomodulatory impression of anti and pro-inflammatory cytokines in relation to humoral immunity in human scabies.Int J Immunopathol Pharmacol.2016 Jan 26. pii: 0394632015627464

2.Ahmad HM, Abdel-Azim ES, Abdel-Aziz RT. (2016).Clinical efficacy and safety of topical versus oral ivermectin in treatment of uncomplicated scabies.Dermatol Ther.2016 Jan;29(1):58-63.

3.Alipour H, Goldust M.et al.,(2015).The efficacy of oral ivermectin vs. sulfur 10% ointment for the treatment of scabies.Ann Parasitol.2015;61(2):79-84

4.Andriantsoanirina V, Ariey F, Izri A, Bernigaud C, Fang Fet al.,(2015).Sarcoptes scabiei mites in humans are distributed into three genetically distinct clades.ClinMicrobiol Infect.2015 21(12)-1107-14.

5.ArlianLG, Feldmeier H, Morgan MS. (2015).Thepotential for abloodtest forscabies.PLoS Negl Trop Dis.2015 Oct 22;9(10):e0004188.

6.Alessandro Balestrieri,Luigi Remonti,Nicola Ferrariet al.,(2006).Sarcoptic mange in wild carnivores and its co-occurrence with parasitic helminths in the Western Italian Alps.European Journal of Wildlife Research52:3, 196-201.

7.Arián Ráez-Bravo,José Enrique Granados,José Joaquín Cerónet al.,(2015).Acute phase proteins increase with sarcoptic mange status and severity in Iberian ibex (Capra pyrenaica, Schinz 1838).Parasitology Research114:11, 4005-4010.

8.Arián Ráez-Bravo,José Enrique Granados,Emmanuel Serranoet al.,(2016). Evaluation of three enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays for sarcoptic mange diagnosis and assessment in the Iberian ibex, Capra pyrenaica.Parasitesand Vectors9:1.

9.Arnaud A, Chosidow O, Detrez MA, Bitar D, Huber Fet al.,(2015).Prevalences of scabies and pediculosis corporis among homeless in the Paris region: results from 2 random cross-sectional surveys (HYTPEAC study). Br J Dermatol.2015 Oct 16. doi: 10.1111/bjd.14226.

10.Banzhaf CA, Themstrup L, Ring HC, Welzel J, Mogensen M, Jemec GB. (2013).In vivoImaging ofSarcoptes scabieiinfestation using optical coherence tomography.Case Rep Dermatol.2013 Jun 1;5(2):156-62.

11.Bécourt C, Marguet C, Balguerie X, Joly P. (2013).Treatment of scabies with oral ivermectin in 15 infants: a retrospective study o­n tolerance and efficacy.Br J Dermatol.2013 May 31.

12.Boralevi F, Diallo A, Miquel J, Guerin-Moreau M, Bessis Det al.,(2014).Clinical phenotype of scabies by age.Pediatrics.2014 Apr;133(4):e910-6.

13.Brian S. Fuchs,Allen N. Sapadin,Robert G. Phelpset al.,(2007). Diagnosticdilemma: Crustedscabiessuperimposed o­npsoriaticerythroderma in apatientwithacquiredimmunodeficiencysyndrome.SKINmed6:3, 142-144.

14.Carapetis JR, Conors C, Yarmirr D, Krause V, Currie BJ (1997). Success of a scabies control program in an Australian aboriginal community.Pediatr.Infect.Dis.J.1997 May; 16(5): 494-9.

15.Charles V.Sanders, Lee T . Nesbittet al.,(1997).Scabies.Medical Progress, Vol 24, No 12: 35-39.

16.Chung SD, Wang KH, Huang CC, Lin HC. (2013).Scabies increased the risk of chronickidney disease: a 5-year follow-up study.J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2013 Feb 1.

17.Cinotti E, Perrot JL, Labeille B, Cambazard F. (2015).Reflectance confocal microscopy for cutaneous infections and infestations.J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2015 Sep 21.

18.Claudia Salvadori,Guido Rocchigiani,Camilla Lazzarottiet al., (2016).Histologicallesions andcellularresponse in theskin of Alpinechamois (Rupicapra r. rupicapra)spontaneouslyaffected bySarcopticmange.BioMed Research International,1-8.

19.Clair Fulleret al.,(2013).Epidemiology of scabies.Current Opinion in Infectious Diseases26(2):123-6

20.Currie B, McCarthy Jet al.,(2010).Permethrin and ivermectin for scabies.N Engl J Med2010; 362:717?725.

21.Castillo AL, Osi MO, Ramos JD, De Francia JL, Dujunco MU, Quilala PF. (2013).Efficacy and safety of Tinospora cordifolia lotion in Sarcoptes scabiei var hominis-infected pediatric patients: A single blind, randomized controlled trial.J Pharmacol Pharmacother.2013 Jan;4(1):39-46.

22.Cote NM, Jaworski DC, Wasala NB, Morgan MS, Arlian LG (2013).Identification and expression of macrophage migration inhibitory factor in Sarcoptes scabiei.Exp Parasitol. 2013 Jul 4;135(1):175-181.

23.Currie BJ. Et al., (2015).Scabies and Global Control of Neglected Tropical Diseases.
N Engl J Med.2015 Dec 10;373(24):2371-2.

24.David Younget al., (1990).Scabies.Andew? Diseases of the skin;523-527.

25.Davis JS, McGloughlin S, Tong SY, Walton SF, Currie BJ. (2013).A novel clinical grading scale to guide the management of crusted scabies.PLoS Negl Trop Dis.2013 Sep 12;7(9):e2387.

26.S. Dean Rider,Marjorie S. Morgan,Larry G. Arlian. (2015).Draft genome of thescabies mite.Parasites & Vectors8:1.

27.Edison L, Beaudoin A, Goh L, Introcaso CE, Martin Det al., (2015).Scabies and Bacterial Superinfection among American Samoan Children, 2011-2012.PLoS o­ne.2015 Oct 12;10(10):e013933.

28.Engelman D, Kiang K, Chosidow O, McCarthy Jet al., (2013).Toward the global control of human scabies: introducing the international alliance for the control of scabies.PLoS Negl Trop Dis.2013 Aug;7(8):e2167.

29.Engelman D, Martin DL, Hay RJ, Chosidow O, McCarthy JS, Fuller LC, Steer AC. (2013).Opportunities to investigate the effects of ivermectin mass drug administration o­n scabies.Parasit Vectors.2013 Apr 17;6:106.

30.Fischer K, Holt D, Currie B, Kemp D. (2012).Scabies: important clinical consequences explained by new molecular studies.Adv Parasitol.2012;79:339-73.

31.FitzGerald D, Grainger RJ, Reid A. (2014).Interventions for preventing the spread of infestation in close contacts of people with scabies.Cochrane Database Syst Rev.2014 Feb 24;2:CD009943.

32.Fujimoto K, Kawasaki Y, Morimoto K, Kikuchi I, Kawana S. (2014).Treatment forcrusted scabies: limitations and side effects of treatment with ivermectin.J Nippon Med Sch.2014;81(3):157-63.

33.Goksugur SB, Karatas Z, Goksugur N, Bekdas Met al.,(2015). Metabolic acidosis in an infant associated with permethrin toxicity.Pediatr Dermatol. 2015;32(1):e15-7.

34.Haar K, Romani L, Filimone R, Kishore K, Tuicakau M, Koroivueta J, Kaldor JM, Wand H, Steer A, Whitfeld M. (2014).Scabies community prevalence and mass drug administration in two Fijian villages.Int J Dermatol.2014 Jun;53(6):739-45.

35.Hay RJ, Johns NE, Williams HC, Bolliger IW, Dellavalle RPet al.,(2014).The global burden of skin disease in 2010: an analysis of the prevalence and impact of skin conditions.J Invest Dermatol.2014 Jun;134(6):1527-34.

36.Hay RJ, Steer AC, Chosidow O, Currie BJ. (2013). Scabies:Asuitable case for a global control initiative.Curr Opin Infect Dis. 2013 Apr;26(2):107-9.

37.Hegazy AA, Darwish NM, Abdel Hamid IA, Hammad SM (1990). Epidemiology and control of scabies in an Egyptian village.Int.J.Dermatol;38 (9): 291-5.

38.Heukelbach J, Mazigo HD, Ugbomoiko US. (2013).Impact of scabies in resource-poor communities.Curr Opin Infect Dis.2013 Apr;26(2):127-32.

39.Hewitt KA, Nalabanda A, Cassell JA.(2015).Scabies outbreaks in residential care homes: factors associated with late recognition, burden and impact. A mixed methods study in England. Epidemiol Infect.2015 May;143(7):1542-51.

40.Holt DC, Fischer K.et al.,(2013).Novel insights into an old disease:Recent developments in scabies mite biology.Curr Opin Infect Dis.2013 Apr;26(2):110-5.

41.H. Hunter Handsfieldet al.,(1992). Scabies. Colour Atlas and synopsis ofsexually transmitted diseases. 1992.

42.Ito T.et al.,(2013).Mazzotti reaction with eosinophilia after undergoing oral ivermectin for scabies.J Dermatol.2013 Sep;40(9):776-7.

43.Jacks SK, Lewis EA, Witman PM. (2012).The curette prep: a modification of the traditional scabies preparation.Pediatr Dermatol.2012 Jul-Aug;29(4):544-5.

44.Jörg Heukelbach,Hermann Feldmeieret al.,(2006).Scabies.The Lancet367:9524, 1767-1774.

45.Karthikeyan, Ket al., (2007). Scabies in children.Arch Dis Child Educ Pract;92:65-69

46.Kate E. Mounsey,James S. McCarthy,Shelley F. Walton. (2013) Scratching the itch: new tools to advance understanding of scabies.Trends in Parasitology29:1, 35-42.

47.Katja Fischer,Deborah Holt,Bart Currie,David Kemp(2012). Scabies.Advances in Parasitology, 339-373.

48.Kearns T, Clucas D, Connors C, Currie BJ, Carapetis JR, Andrews RM. (2013).Clinic attendances during the first 12 months of life for Aboriginal children in five remote communities of northern Australia.PLoS o­ne.2013;8(3):e58231.

49.Kearns TM, Speare R, Cheng AC, McCarthy J, Carapetis JR, Holt DC, Currie BJ, Page W, Shield J, Gundjirryirr R, Bundhala L, Mulholland E, Chatfield M, Andrews RM (2015).Impact of an ivermectin mass drug administration o­n Scabiesprevalence in a remote Australian aboriginal community.PLoS Negl Trop Dis.2015 Oct 30;9(10):e0004151.

50.KenawiMZ, Morsy TA, Abdalla KF, Hady HM (1993). Treatment of human scabies bysulfur and permethrine.J.Egypt.Soc.Parasitol.; 23 (3): 691-6.

51.Kouotou EA, Nansseu JR, Sieleunou I, Defo D, Bissek AC, Ndam EC.(2015).Features of human scabies in resource-limited settings: the Camerooncase.BMC Dermatol.2015 Jul 23;15:12.

52.Landwehr D, Keita SM, Ponnighaus JM, Tuonkara C (1998). Epidemiologic aspects of Scabies in Mali, Malawi and Cambodia.Int.J Dermatol.;37 (8):588-590.

53.Larry G. Arlian,Ndate Fall,Marjorie S. Morgan. (2007).InvivoevidencethatSarcoptes scabiei(Acari: Sarcoptidae)is thesource ofmoleculesthatmodulatesplenicgeneexpression.Journal of Medical Entomology44:6, 1054-1063.

54.Larry G. Arlian,Marjorie S. Morgan,S. Dean Rider(2016).Sarcoptes scabiei:Genomics to proteomics to biology.Parasites andVectors9:1.

55.X. Liu,S. F. Walton,H. C. Murray,M. Kinget al., (2014).Crusted scabies is associated with increased IL-17 secretion by skin T cells.Parasite Immunology36:11, 594-604.

56.Liu X, Walton S, Mounsey K.et al.,(2014). Vaccine against scabies: necessity and possibility.Parasitology.2014 May;141(6):725-32. 

57.Lokuge B, Kopczynski A, Woltmann A, Alvoen Fet al.,(2014).Crusted scabies in remote Australia, a new way forward: lessons and outcomes from the Eastarnhem scabies Control program.Med J Aust.2014 Jun 16;200(11):644-8.

58.Luo B, Liao F, Hu Y, Liu XI, He Y, Wu L, Tan H, Luo L, Zhou Y, Mo Q, Deng J, Wei Y. (2015).Acaricidal activity of extracts from Ligularia virgaurea against the Sarcoptes scabiei mite in vitro.Exp Ther Med.2015 Jul;10(1):247-250.

59.Manjhi PK, Sinha RI, Kumar M, Sinha KI.(2014).Comparative study of efficacy of oral ivermectin versus some topical antiscabies drugs in the treatment of scabies.
J Clin Diagn Res.2014 Sep;8(9):01-4.

60.Marjorie S. Morgan,Larry G. Arlian,S. Dean Rideret al., (2016).Aproteomicanalysis ofSarcoptes scabiei(Acari:Sarcoptidae).Journal of Medical Entomology53:3, 553-561.

61.Marcia RamosE Silva, Giovan Cosimo Bonomo (1998). Discover of the etiology of Scabies. Int J Dermatol.; 37 (8): 625-630.

62.Marks M, Taotao-Wini B, Satorara L, Engelman D, Nasi T, Mabey DC, Steer AC. (2015).Long term control of Scabies fifteen years after an intensive treatment programme.PLoS Negl Trop Dis.2015 Dec 1;9(12):e0004246.

63.Mathieu Sarasa,Luisa Rambozzi,Luca Rossiet al., (2010).Sarcoptes scabiei:Specific immune response to sarcoptic mange in the Iberian ibex Capra pyrenaica depends o­n previous exposure and sex.Experimental Parasitology124:3, 265-271.

64.McLean FE. (2013).The elimination of scabies: a task for our generation.
Int J Dermatol.2013 Oct;52(10):1215-23.

65.Meinking TL, Taplin D, Hermida JL, Pardo R, Kerdel FA(1995).The treatment of scabies with invermectin.N Engl J Med.6; 333 (1): 26-30.

66.Micali G, Lacarrubba F, Verzì AE, Nasca MR.(2015).Low-cost equipment for diagnosis and management of endemic scabies outbreaks in underserved populations.Clin Infect Dis.2015 Jan 15;60(2):327-9.

67.Mika A, Reynolds SL, Pickering D, McMillan D, Sriprakash KS et al.,(2016). Complement inhibitors from scabies mites promote streptococcal growth--a novel mechanism in infected epidermis?PLoS Negl Trop Dis.2012;6(7):e1563.

68.Mika A, Reynolds SL, Mohlin FC, Willis C, Swe PMet al.,(2012).Novel scabies mite serpins inhibit the three pathways of the human complement system.PLoS o­ne.2012;7(7):e40489..

69.Miyajima A, Hirota T, Sugioka A, Fukuzawa M, Sekine Met al.,(2016).Effect of high fat meal intake o­n the pharmacokinetics profile of ivermectin in Japanese patients.J Dermatol.2016 Feb 26.

70.Mofiz E, Seemann T, Bahlo M, Holt D, Currie BJ, Fischer K, Papenfuss AT (2016).Mitochondrial genomesequence of the Scabies mite provides insight into the genetic diversity of individualScabiesinfections.PLoS Negl Trop Dis.2016 Feb 12;10(2):e0004384.

71.Mounsey KE, McCarthy JS. (2013).Treatment and control of scabies.Curr Opin Infect Dis.2013 Apr;26(2):133-9.

72.Mounsey KE, McCarthy JS, Walton SF. (2013).Scratching the itch: new tools to advance understanding of scabies.Trends Parasitol.2013 Jan;29(1):35-42.

73.Mounsey KE, Bernigaud C, Chosidow Oet al.,(2016).Prospects for Moxidectin as a new oral treatment for human scabies.PLoS Negl Trop Dis.2016 Mar 17;10(3):e0004389.

74.National Society of Histotechnology (2015).Guidelines for themanagement ofscabies.

75.Panuganti B, Tarbox M. (2013).Evaluation and management of pruritus and scabies in the elderly population.Clin Geriatr Med.2013 May;29(2):479-99.

76.Park JH, Kim CW, Kim SS. (2012).The diagnostic accuracy of dermoscopy for scabies.Ann Dermatol.2012 May;24(2):194-9.

77.Pasay C, Mounsey K, Stevenson G,et al., (2010).Acaricidal activity of eugenol based compounds against scabies mites.PLoS o­ne2010; 5:e12079.

78.D.B. Pence & E. Ueckermannet al.,(2002).Sarcoptic mange in wildlife.Scientific and Technical Review of the World Organisation for Animal Health21(2): 385-398.

79.Reynolds SL, Pike RN, Mika A, Blom AM, Hofmann Aet al.,(2014).Scabies mite inactive serine proteases are potent inhibitors of the human complement lectin pathway.PLoS Negl Trop Dis.2014 May 22;8(5):e2872.

80.Rider SD Jr, Morgan MS, Arlian LG. et al., (2015).Draft genome of the scabies mite.Parasit Vectors.2015 Nov 10;8:585.

81.Rieko Kabashima,Kenji Kabashima,Ryosuke Hinoet al.,(2008). Scabies superimposed o­n skin lesions of adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma: Case report and literature review.International Journal of Dermatology47:11, 1168-1171.

82.Romani L, Steer AC, Whitfeld MJ, Kaldor JM. (2015).Prevalence of scabies and impetigo worldwide: a systematic review.Lancet Infect Dis.2015 Aug;15(8):960-7.

83.Romani L, Koroivueta J, Steer AC, Kama M, Kaldor JMet al.,(2015).
Scabies and impetigo prevalence and risk factors in Fiji:Anational survey.
PLoS Negl Trop Dis.2015 Mar 4;9(3):e0003452.

84.Romani L, Whitfeld MJ, Koroivueta J, Kama M, Wand Het al.,(2015).Massdrugadministration forscabiescontrol in apopulation withendemicdisease.N Engl J Med. 2015 Dec 10;373(24):2305-13.

85.Sagua H, RiveraAM, ZamoraM,NeiraI, ArayaJ(1997).Epidemioligical stydy ofpediculosis capitis and scabies in schoolchildren from Antofagasta, Chile, 1995.Bol.Chil.Parasitol;52 (1-2): 33-6.

86.SharbaughRJet al.,(1997).Scabies:An itchy problem-Homecareproviding;2(3): 115

87.Sharma R, Singal Aet al., (2011). Topical permethrin and oral ivermectin in the management of scabies: A prospective, randomized, double blind, controlled study.Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol2011; 77:581-6.

88.Sharma G, Dhankar G, Thakur K, Raza K, Katare OP. (2015).Benzylbenzoate-loadedmicroemulsion fortopicalapplications: Enhanceddermatokineticprofile andbetterdeliverypromises.AAPS PharmSciTech.2015 Dec 15.

89.Shelley F. WaltonandFlorin I. Oprescuet al.,(2013) Immunology of scabies and translational outcomes.Current Opinion in Infectious Diseases26:2, 116-122.

90.Shimose L, Munoz-Price LS.et al.,(2013).Diagnosis,prevention andtreatment ofscabies.Curr Infect Dis Rep. 2013 Oct;15(5):426-31.

91.Strong M, Johnstone PWet al.,(2010). Interventions for treating scabies update.Cochrane Database Syst Rev2010:CD000320.

92.Swe PM, Reynolds SL, Fischer K.et al.,(2014).Parasitic scabies mites and associated bacteria joining forces against host complement defence.Parasite Immunol.2014 Nov;36(11):585-93.

93.Swe PM, Zakrzewski M, Kelly A, Krause L, Fischer K. (2014).Scabies mites alter the skin microbiome and promote growth of opportunistic pathogens in a porcine model.PLoS Negl Trop Dis.2014 May 29;8(5):e2897.

94.Tasani M, Tong SY, Andrews RM, Holt DC, Currie BJet al.,(2015).Theimportance ofscabiesco-infection in thetreatmentconsiderations forimpetigo.Pediatr Infect Dis J.2015 Nov 23.

95.Timothy G.Berger, Peter M.Elias, Bruce. Het al.,(1990).Scabies.Manual oftherapy for skin diseases.USA. 1990.268-270.

96.Thomas J, Carson CF, Peterson GM, Walton SFet al.,(2016).Therapeuticpotential ofteatreeoil forscabies.Am J Trop Med Hyg.3;94(2):258-66.

97.Veraldi S, Nazzaro G, Serini SM.(2015).Treatment of crusted scabies with acitretin.Br J Dermatol.2015 Sep;173(3):862-3.

98.Walton SF, Oprescu FI. (2013).Immunology of scabies and translational outcomes: identifying the missing links.Curr Opin Infect Dis.2013 Apr;26(2):116-22.

99.William L. Weston, Alffred T.Lane, Joseph G.Morelli (1996). Scabies.Colour textbook of Pediatrics Dermotology;84-87.

100.WHO (1997).Repellentchemical method for the control of arthropod vector and pestof public health importance.WHO pesticide evaluation Schema;70-73.

101.WHO (1997). Scabies mite.Vector Control, 1997.279-282.

102.WHO (2005).Epidemiology and management of common skin diseases in children in developing countries.WHO/FCH/CAH/05.12

103.Worth C, Heukelbach J, Fengler G, Walter Bet al.,(2012).Impaired quality of life in adults and children with scabies from an impoverished community in Brazil.Int J Dermatol.2012 Mar;51(3):275-82.

104.Wong SS, Poon RW, Chau S, Wong SC, To KKet al.,(2015).Development of conventional and real-time quantitative PCR assays for diagnosis andmonitoring of scabies.J Clin Microbiol.2015 Jul;53(7):2095-102.

105.Xiaobin Gu,Yue Xie,Shuxian Wanget al.,(2014). Immune response induced by candidateSarcoptes scabiei var. cuniculiDNA vaccine encoding paramyosin in mice.Experimental and Applied Acarology63:3, 401-412.

106.Zhang R, Jise Q, Zheng W, Ren Y, Nong Xet al.,(2012). Characterization and evaluation of aSarcoptes scabieiallergen as a candidate vaccine.Parasit and Vectors.2012 Aug 16;5:176.

107.Zheng Y, He R, He M, Gu X, Wang T, Lai Wet al.,(2016).Characterization ofSarcoptes scabieicofilin gene and assessment of recombinant cofilin protein as an antigen in indirect-ELISA for diagnosis.BMC Infect Dis. 2016 Jan 22;16(1):21.


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