Asian tiger mosquitoes can drive down yellow fever mosquito populations when the female chooses the wrong male with which to mate, UF/IFAS scientists say. Both insects transmit chikungunya and dengue, dangerous diseases affecting millions of people worldwide.
US scientists have identified the chemicals responsible for the mosquito-repelling activity of sweetgrass, a plant traditionally used by some Native Americans to fend off the bugs.
Malaria situationinthe Central - Western Highlandsin 2013andthe firstninemonths of2014 tended to decrease. Howeverin thelast 2 months of2014(October, November), malariawas recorded with unexpected occurrence in the Central - Western Highlands areas, theproportion of malariapatientsandparasitesincreasedin almost every province.
A team of scientists at YaleUniversity is working on a new birth-control drug for male mosquitos that could slow the malaria epidemic, a disease that sickens more than 215 million people, killing 655,000 each year.