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Giới thiệu ấn phẩm nghiên cứu khoa học về ký sinh trùng và đơn bào trên thế giới 2004-2009

Về lĩnh vực các bệnh ký sinh trùng nói chung và bệnh giun sán nói riêng, có thể bệnh chỉ lây truyền ở người sang người, hoặc bệnh lây truyền từ động vật sang người và ngược lại. Tất cả mô hình đó tạo nên tính phức tạp trong lây truyền bệnh từ cá thể này sang cá thể khác, hay nói đúng hơn là phổ rộng trên cộng đồng, rất phức tạp.

Trong 10 năm trở lại đây, nhiều cơ quan và viện nghiên cứu rất sâu về dịch tễ học, bệnh sinh, cấu trúc di truyền, phân tử và giải trình tự bộ gen các loài ký sinh trùng giun sán, đơn bào khác nhau trên phạm vi toàn cầu nhằm đưa ra các chiến lược phòng bệnh hữu hiệu.

1.Santos c.p., Moravec F. (2009) Goezia spinulosa (Nematoda: Raphidascarididae), a pathogenic parasite of the arapaima Arapaima gigas (Osteichthyes). Folia Parasitologica 56: 55-63. (link)

2.SANTOS C.P., MORAVEC F. (2009) Camallanus tridentatus (Drasche) (Nematoda: Camallanidae): new taxonomically important morphological data. Memorias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro 104: 93-99.

3.SCHOLZ T., DE CHAMBRIER A., BELETEW M., MAHMOUD Z.N. (2009) Redescription of Proteocephalus glanduligerus (Cestoda: Proteocephalidea), a parasite of clariid catfishes in Africa with a unique glandular apical organ.Journal of Parasitology 95: 443-449.

4.SCHOLZ T., GARCÍA H.H., KUCHTA R., WICHT B. (2009) Update o­n the human broad tapeworm (genus Diphyllobothrium), including clinical relevance. Clinical Microbiology Reviews 22: 146-160.

5.ŠTEFKA J., HYPŠA V., SCHOLZ T. (2009) Interplay of host specificity and biogeography in the population structure of a cosmopolitan endoparasite: microsatellite study of Ligula intestinalis (Cestoda). Molecular Ecology 18: 1187-1206.

6.TERNENGO S., LEVRON C., MOUILLOT D., MARCHAND B. (2009) Site influence in parasite distribution from fishes of the Bonifacio Strait Marine Reserve (Corsica Island, Mediterranean Sea). Parasitology Research 104: 1279-1287.

7.XI B.W., OROS M., WANG G.T., WU S.G., GAO D., NIE P. (2009) Khawia saurogobii n. sp. (Cestoda: Caryophyllidea) from freshwater fish Saurogobio spp. (Cyprinidae) in China. Journal of arasitology 95: 1516-1519.

8.BOUZID W., ŠTEFKA J., HYPŠA V., LEK S., SCHOLZ T., LEGAL L., BEN HASSINE O. K., LOOT G. (2008) Geography and host specificity: Two forces behind the genetic structure of the freshwater fish parasite Ligula intestinalis (Cestoda: Diphyllobothriidae). International Journal for Parasitology 38: 1465-1479.

9.DE CHAMBRIER A., MARIAUX J., SENE A., MAHMOUD Z.N., SCHOLZ T. (2008) Sandonella sandoni (Lynsdale, 1960), an enigmatic and morphologically unique cestode parasitic in the osteoglossiform fish Heterotis niloticus in Africa. Journal of Parasitology 94: 202-211.

10.DE CHAMBRIER A., SCHOLZ T. (2008) Tapeworms (Cestoda: Proteocephalidea) of firewood catfish Sorubimichthys planiceps (Siluriformes: Pimelodidae) from the Amazon River. Folia Parasitologica 55: 17-28.

11.FALTÝNKOVÁ A., GIBSON D.I., KOSTADINOVA A. (2008) A revision of Petasiger Dietz, 1909 (Digenea : Echinostomatidae) and a key to its species. Systematic Parasitology 71: 1-40.

12.FALTÝNKOVÁ A., GIBSON D.I., KOSTADINOVA A. (2008) A revision of Patagifer Dietz, 1909 (Digenea: Echinostomatidae) and a key to its species. Systematic Parasitology 70: 159-183.

13.FALTÝNKOVÁ A., NAŠINCOVÁ V., KABLÁSKOVÁ L. (2008) Larval trematodes (Digenea) of planorbid snails (Gastropoda: Pulmonata) in Central Europe: a survey of species and key to their identification. Systematic Parasitology 69: 155-178.

14.FALTÝNKOVÁ A., VALTONEN E.T., KARVONEN A. (2008) Spatial and temporal structure of the trematode component community in Valvata macrostoma (Gastropoda, Prosobranchia). Parasitology 135: 1691-1699.

15.KUCHTA R., SCHOLZ T. (2008) A new triaenophorid tapeworm from blackfish Centrolophus niger. Journal of Parasitology 94: 500-504.

16.KUCHTA R., SCHOLZ T., BRABEC J., BRAY R.A. (2008) Suppression of the tapeworm order Pseudophyllidea (Platyhelminthes: Eucestoda) and the proposal of two new orders, Bothriocephalidea and Diphyllobothriidea. International Journal for Parasitology 38: 49-55.

17.KUCHTA R., SCHOLZ T., BRABEC J., JIRSOVÁ D., GUSTINELLI A. (2008) Bothriocephalidean tapeworms (Cestoda) from the blackfish, Centrolophus niger (Perciformes: Centrolophidae). Folia Parasitologica 55: 111-121.

18.KUCHTA R., SCHOLZ T., BRAY R.A. (2008) Revision of the order Bothriocephalidea Kuchta, Scholz, Brabec & Bray, 2008 (Eucestoda) with amended generic diagnoses and keys to families and genera. Systematic Parasitology 71: 81-136.

19.LEVRON C., PODDUBNAYA L.G., KUCHTA R., FREEMAN M., SCHOLZ T. (2008) Ultrastructure of the tegument of the cestode Paraechinophallus japonicus (Pseudophyllidea: Echinophallidae), a parasite of the bathypelagic fish Psenopsis anomala. Invertebrate Biology 127: 153-161.

20.LEVRON C., PODDUBNAYA L.G., KUCHTA R., FREEMAN M., WANG Y.-H. SCHOLZ T. (2008) SEM and TEM study of the armed male terminal genitalia of the tapeworm Paraechinophallus japonicus (Cestoda: Bothriocephalidea). Journal of Parasitology 94: 803-810.

21.LEVRON C., SCHOLZ T., DEZFULI B.S. (2008) Ultrastructure of microtriches o­n the scolex of Cyathocephalus truncatus (Cestoda: Spathebothriidea). Folia Parasitologica 55: 309-312.

22.Mendoza-Franco E. F., Roche D.G., Torchin M.E. (2008) New species of Diplectanum (Monogenoidea: Diplectanidae), and proposal of a new genus of the Dactylogyridae from the gills of gerreid fishes (Teleostei) from Mexico and Panama. Folia Parasitologica 55: 171–179.

23.MORAVEC F. (2008) Systematic status of Philometra jordanoi (López-Neyra, 1951) and some other congeneric species previously identified as Philometra lateolabracis (Yamaguti, 1935) (Nematoda: Philometridae). Folia Parasitologica 55: 159-160. (link)

24.PAVEC F. (2008) Misidentification of nematodes from the Chinese sleeper Perccottus glenii in Europe. Bulletin of the European Association of Fish Pathologists 28: 86-87.

25.MORAVEC F., CROSBY D.M., DE BURON I., GONZÁLEZ-SOLÍS D., ROUMILLAT W.A. (2008) Three new species of philometrids (Nematoda: Philometridae) from centrarchid fishes in the USA. Journal of Parasitology 94: 1103-1113.

26.MORAVEC F., DE BURON I., BAKER T.G., GONZÁLEZ-SOLÍS D. (2008) Some gonad-infecting species of Philometra (Nematoda, Philometridae) from offshore fishes of South Carolina and Georgia, USA, including Philometra charlestonensis sp. nov. from the scamp Mycteroperca phenax. Acta Parasitologica 53: 382-391.

27.MORAVEC F., GAGLIO G., PANEBIANCO A., GIANNETTO S. (2008) Two species of Philometra (Nematoda: Philometridae) from sparid fishes (porgies) off Sicily, Italy, including Philometra obladae sp. n. from the body cavity of Oblada melanura (Sparidae). Parasitology Research 104: 55-61.

28.MORAVEC F., JUSTINE J.-L. (2008) Some philometrid nematodes (Philometridae), including four new species of Philometra, from marine fishes off New Caledonia. Acta Parasitologica 53: 369-381.

29.MORAVEC F., LAOPRASERT T. (2008) Redescription of Ichthyouris bursata Moravec & Prouza, 1995 (Nematoda: Pharyngodonidae), a parasite of wild and aquarium-reared discus Symphysodon spp. (Osteichthyes). Systematic Parasitology 71: 137-143.

30.MORAVEC F., LORBER J., KONECNÝ R. (2008) Cucullanus maldivensis n. sp. (Nematoda: Cucullanidae) and some other adult nematodes from marine fishes off the Maldive Islands. Systematic Parasitology 70: 61-69.

31.MORAVEC F., MAGI M., MACCHIONI F. (2008) Redescription of the gonad-infecting nematode Philometra saltatrix Ramachandran, 1973 (Philometridae) based o­n specimens from the type host Pomatomus saltatrix (L.) (Osteichthyes) from the Tuscan Sea, Italy. Folia Parasitologica 55: 219-223.

32.MORAVEC F., MONTOYA-MENDOZA J., SALGADO-MALDONADO G. (2008) A new genus and species of philometrid (Nematoda) from the subcutaneous tissue of the crevalle jack, Caranx hippos (Osteichthyes), from the southern Gulf of Mexico. Journal of Parasitology 94: 1346-1350.

33.MORAVEC F., NIE P., WANG G. (2008) Redescription and systematic status of Neocapillaria phoxini Yu et Wang, 1994 (Nematoda: Capillariidae). Folia Parasitologica 55: 316-318.

34.MORAVEC F., ŘÍHA M., KUCHTA R. (2008) Two new nematode species, Paragendria papuanensis sp. n. (Seuratoidea) and Rhabdochona papuanensis sp. n. (Thelazioidea), from freshwater fishes in Papua New Guinea. Folia Parasitologica 55: 127-135. (link)

35.Documents for download: 2008_Moravec_Fp_127

36.MORAVEC F., SANTOS M.D., BRASIL-SATO M.C. (2008) Redescription of Cystidicoloides fischeri based o­n specimens from piranhas in Brazil, and erection of a new genus (Nematoda: Cystidicolidae). Journal of Parasitology 94: 889-897.

37.MORAVEC F., SCHOLZ T., KUCHTA R., GRYGIER M.J. (2008) Female morphology of Philometra parasiluri (Nematoda, Philometridae), an ocular parasite of the Amur catfish Silurus asotus in Japan. Acta Parasitologica 53: 153-157.

38.MORAVEC F., SHIMAZU T. (2008) Redescription of the female of Mexiconema liobagri (Nematoda: Daniconematidae), a little-known parasite of the rare endemic catfish Liobagrus reinii (Amblycipitidae), in Japan. Helminthologia 45: 106-108.

39.OLSON P.D., PODDUBNAYA L.G., LITTLEWOOD D.T.J., SCHOLZ T. (2008) On the position of Archigetes and its bearing o­n the early evolution of tapeworms. Journal of Parasitology 94: 898-904.

40.OROS M., HANZELOVÁ V., SCHOLZ T., MACKIEWICZ J.S. (2008) Phylogenetic relationships of the monozoic tapeworms (Eucestoda: Caryophyllidea) inferred from morphological characters. Systematic Parasitology 70: 1-14.

41.ORTEGA-OLIVARES M.P., BARRERA-GUZMÁN A.O., HAASOVÁ I., SALGADO-MALDONADO G., GUILLÉN-HERNÁNDEZ S., SCHOLZ T. (2008) Tapeworms (Cestoda: Gryporhynchidae) of fish-eating birds (Ciconiiformes) from Mexico: new host and geographical records. Comparative Parasitology 75: 182-195.

42.PARK J.-K., MORAVEC F. (2008) Redescription of Cucullanus robustus (Nematoda: Cucullanidae) from the conger eel Conger myriaster off Korea. Zootaxa 1729: 1-7. (pdf)

43.PODDUBNAYA L.G., SCHOLZ T., KUCHTA R., LEVRON C., GIBSON D.I. (2008) Ultrastructure of the surface structures and secretory glands of the rosette attachment organ of Gyrocotyle urna (Cestoda: Gyrocotylidea). Folia Parasitologica 55: 207-218. (link)

44.SANTOS C.P., MORAVEC F., VENTURIERI R. (2008) Capillostrongyloides arapaimae sp. n. (Nematoda: Capillariidae), a new intestinal parasite of the arapaima Arapaima gigas from the Brazilian Amazon. Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz 103: 392-395.

45.SASAL P., TARASCHEWSKI H., VALADE P., GRONDIN H., WIELGOSS S., MORAVEC F. (2008) Parasite communities in eels of the Island of Reunion (Indian Ocean): a lesson in parasite introduction. Parasitology Research 102: 1343-1350.

46.SCHOLZ T., BOANE C., SARAIVA A. (2008) New metacestodes of gryporhynchid tapeworms (Cestoda: Cyclophyllidea) from carp (Cyprinus carpio Linnaeus, 1758) from Mozambique, Africa. Comparative Parasitology 75: 315-320.

47.SCHOLZ T., DE CHAMBRIER A., KUCHTA R. (2008) Redescription of the tapeworm Monticellia amazonica de Chambrier et Vaucher, 1997 (Cestoda: Proteocephalidea), a parasite of Calophysus macropterus (Siluriformes: Pimelodidae), from the Amazon River. Acta Parasitologica 53: 30-35.

48.WICHT B., SCHOLZ T., PEDUZZI R., KUCHTA R. (2008) First record of human infection with the tapeworm Diphyllobothrium nihonkaiense in North America. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 78: 235-238.

49.BEAN M.G., ŠKEŘÍKOVÁ A., BONNER T.H., SCHOLZ T., HUFFMAN D.G. (2007) First record of Bothriocephalus acheilognathi (Cestoda: Pseudophyllidea) in the Rio Grande with comparative analysis of ITS2 and V4-18S rRNA gene sequences. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health 19: 71-76.

50.BRAICOVICH P., MORAVEC F., TIMI J.T. (2007) A new species of Moravecia (Nematoda: Dracunculoidea) from the body cavity of the marine perciform fish Percophis brasiliensis in Argentina. Journal of Parasitology 93: 353-356.

51.BRUŇANSKÁ M., FAGERHOLM H.-P., MORAVEC F. (2007) Structure of the pharynx in the adult nematode Anguillicoloides crassus (Nematoda: Rhabditida). Journal of Parasitology 93: 1017-1028.

52.DE CHAMBRIER A., SCHOLZ T., BELETEU M., MAHMOUD Z.N. (2007) Redescription of Proteocephalus sulcatus (Klaptocz, 1906) (Cestoda: Proteocephalidea), a poorly known parasite of Clarotes laticeps (Pisces: Siluriformes) in the Sudan. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 114: 693-702.

53.FALTÝNKOVÁ A., NAŠINCOVÁ V., KABLÁSKOVÁ L. (2007) Larval trematodes (Digenea) of the great pond snail, Lymnea stagnalis (L.), (Gastropoda, Pulmonata) in Central Europe: a survey of species and key to their identification. Parasite 14: 39-51.

54.FALTÝNKOVÁ A., NIEWIADOMSKA K., SANTOS M.J., VALTONEN E.T. (2007) Furcocercous cercariae (Trematoda) from freshwater snails in Central Finland. Acta Parasitologica 52: 310-317.

55.GONZÁLEZ-SOLÍS D., MORAVEC F., TUZ PAREDES V.M. (2007) A new species of Dentiphilometra (Nematoda: Philometridae) from the musculature of the gray snapper Lutjanus griseus (Osteichthyes) off the Caribbean coast of Mexico. Journal of Parasitology 93: 1132-1135.

56.KLIMPEL S., KELLERMANNS E., PALM H.W., MORAVEC F. (2007) Zoogeography of fish parasites of the pearlside (Maurolicus muelleri), with genetic evidence of Anisakis simplex (s.s.) from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Marine Biology 152: 725-732.

57.KUCHTA R., VLČKOVÁ R., PODDUBNAYA L.., GUSTINELLI A., DZIKA E., SCHOLZ T. (2007) Invalidity of three Palaearctic species of Triaenophorus tapeworms (Cestoda: Pseudophyllidea): evidence from morphometric analysis of scolex hooks. Folia Parasitologica 54: 34-42. (link)

58.LEVRON C., PODDUBNAYA L.G., KUCHTA R., FREEMAN M., SCHOLZ T. (2007) Vitellogenesis and vitelline system in the pseudophyllidean tapeworm Paraechinophallus japonicus: ultrastructural and cytochemical studies. Folia Parasitologica 54: 43-50. (link)

59.MORAVEC F. (2007) Some aspects of the taxonomy and biology of adult spirurine nematodes parasitic in fishes: a review. Folia Parasitologica 54: 239-257.

60.MORAVEC F. (2007) First experimental observations o­n the development of Rhabdochona denudata (Nematoda: Rhabdochonidae) in the intermediate host. Folia Parasitologica 54: 236-238.

61.MORAVEC F., GIBSON D.I. (2007) The first record of Dracunculus mulbus (N ematoda: Dracunculidae) in the Papuan olive python Apodora papuana (Ophidia: Boidae). Helminthologia 44: 118-119.

62.MORAVEC F., GONZÁLEZ-SOLÍS D. (2007) Structure of the cephalic end of Ascarophis mexicana (Nematoda: Cystidicolidae), as revealed by SEM. Folia Parasitologica 54: 155-156.

63.MORAVEC F., HANZELOVÁ V., GERDEAUX D. (2007) New data o­n the morphology of Comephoronema oschmarini (Nematoda, Cystidicolidae), a little-known gastrointestinal parasite of Lota lota (Teleostei) in Palaearctic Eurasia. Acta Parasitologica 52: 135-141.

64.MORAVEC F., JUSTINE J.-L. (2007) Redescription of Metabronema magnum (Nematoda: Cystidicolidae), a swimbladder parasite of the carangid fish Gnathanodon speciosus off New Caledonia. Folia Parasitologica 54: 293-300. (link)

65.MORAVEC F., JUSTINE J.-L. (2007) Stegodexamene anguillae (Digenea: Lepocreadiidae), an intestinal parasite of eels (Anguilla spp.) in New Caledonia. Parasitology Research 100: 1047-1051.

66.MORAVEC F., JUSTINE J.-L. (2007) A new species of Ascarophis (Nematoda, Cystidicolidae) from the stomach of the marine scorpaeniform fish Hoplichthys citrinus from a seamount off the Chesterfield Islands, New Caledonia. Acta Parasitologica 52: 238-246.

67.MORAVEC F., KLIMPEL S. (2007) New data o­n the morphology of Spinitectus oviflagellis Fourment, 1884 (Nematoda: Cystidicolidae) from the pyloric caeca of Macrourus berglax (Macrouridae) in the eastern Greenland Sea. Systematic Parasitology 67: 43-50.

68.MORAVEC F., KLIMPEL S. (2007) A new species of Comephoronema (Nematoda, Cystidicolidae) from the stomach of the abyssal halosaur Halosauropsis macrochir (Teleostei) from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Journal of Parasitology 93: 901-906.

69.MORAVEC F., LORBER J., KONEČNÝ R. (2007) Two new species of parasitic nematodes from the dogtooth tuna Gymnosarda unicolor (Pisces) off the Maldive Islands. Journal of Parasitology 93: 171-178.

70.MORAVEC F., MODRÝ D., JIRKŮ M. (2007) A new species of Paracapillaria (Nematoda: Capillariidae) from the intestine of the toad Duttaphrynus melanostictus (Anura) from the Malayan Peninsula. Journal of Parasitology 93: 907-909.

71.MORAVEC F., MUZZALL P. (2007) Redescription of Rhabdochona cotti (Nematoda, Rhabdochonidae) from Cottus caeruleomentum (Teleostei, Cottidae) in Maryland, USA, with remarks o­n the taxonomy of North American Rhabdochona spp. Acta Parasitologica 52: 51-57.

72.MORAVEC F., PRISTA N., COSTA M.J. (2007) Meagre Argyrosomus regius (Osteichthyes) as host of a gonad-infecting species of Philometra (Nematoda: Philometridae) off the Atlantic coast of Portugal. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 78: 83-86.

73.MORAVEC F., SALGADO-MALDONADO G. (2007) A new species of Philometra (Nematoda, Philometridae) from the gonads of the rock hind Epinephelus adscensionis (Osteichthyes) from the southern Gulf of Mexico. Acta Parasitologica 52: 376-381.

74.MORAVEC F., SANTANA-PINEROS A.M., GONZÁLEZ-SOLÍS D., TORRES-HUERTA A.M. (2007) A new species of Spirophilometra (Nematoda: Philometridae) from the yellowfin snook Centropomus robalito (Osteichthyes) in southern Mexico. Folia Parasitologica 54: 215-219. (link)

75.MORAVEC F., TARASCHEWSKI H., THAIRUNGROJ ANANTAPHRUTI M., MAIPANICH W., LAOPRASERT T. (2007) Heliconema longissimum (Ortlepp, 1923) (Nematoda: Physalopteridae) from Pisodonophis boro (Teleostei: Ophichthidae) in Thailand, with remarks o­n the taxonomy of the Proleptinae Schulz, 1927. Systematic Parasitology 66: 73-80.

76.PODDUBNAYA L.G., SCHOLZ T., KUCHTA R., LEVRON C., BRUŇANSKÁ M. (2007) Ultrastructure of the proglottid tegument (neodermis) of the cestode Echinophallus wageneri (Pseudophyllidea: Echinophallidae), a parasite of the bathypelagic fish Centrolophus niger. Parasitology Research 101: 373-383.

77.PODDUBNAYA L.G., SCHOLZ T., LEVRON C., KUCHTA R., GIBSON D.I. (2007) Frontal glands in the pseudoscolex of Paraechinophallus japonicus (Yamaguti, 1934) (Cestoda, Bothriocephalidea, Echinophallidae). Acta Parasitologica 52: 325-334.

78.SANTOS C.P., SIMOES S.B.E., BARBOSA H.S., SCHOLZ T. (2007) Redescription of Ascocotyle (Ascocotyle) felippei Travassos, 1928 (Digenea: Heterophyidae) with new synonymies. Journal of Parasitology 93: 1468-1475.

79.SANTOS M.J., KARVONEN A., PEDRO J.C., FALTÝNKOVÁ A., SEPPÄLÄ O., VALTONEN E.T. (2007) Qualitative and quantitative behavioral traits in a community of furcocercariae trematodes: tools for species separation? Journal of Parasitology 93: 1319-1323.

80.SCHOLZ T., HANZELOVÁ V., ŠKEŘÍKOVÁ A., SHIMAZU T., ROLBIECKI L. (2007) An annotated list of species of the Proteocephalus Weinland, 1858 aggregate sensu de Chambrier et al. (2004) (Cestoda: Proteocephalidea), parasites of fishes in the Palaearctic Region, their phylogenetic relationships and a key to their identificatio Systematic Parasitology 67: 139-156.

81.ASAHINA M., VALENTA T., ŠILHÁNKOVÁ M., KOŘÍNEK V., JINDRA M. (2006) Crosstalk between a nuclear receptor and ß-Catenin signaling decides cell fates in the C. elegans somatic gonad. Developmental Cell 11: 203-211.

82.BRABEC J., KUCHTA R., SCHOLZ T. (2006) Paraphyly of the Pseudophyllidea (Platyhelminthes: Cestoda): circumscription of monophyletic clades based o­n phylogenetic analysis of ribosomal RNA. International Journal for Parasitology 36: 1535-1541.

83.BRAY R.A., KUCHTA R. (2006) Digeneans from deep-sea marine teleosts off the Outer Hebrides, Scotland, including the description of Brachyenteron helicoleni sp. nov. (Zoogonidae). Acta Parasitologica 51: 169-175.

84.BRUŇANSKÁ M., SCHOLZ T., DEZFULI B.S., PODDUBNAYA L.G. (2006) Spermiogenesis and sperm ultrastructure of Cyathocephalus truncatus (Pallas, 1781) Kessler, 1868 (Cestoda: Spathebothriidea) Journal of Parasitology 92: 884-892.

85.CAIRA J.N., SCHOLZ T., GEORGIEV B.B. (2006) Cestode systematics and phylogeny move forward. Systematic Parasitology 65: 171-174.

86.DE CHAMBRIER A., SCHOLZ T., KUCHTA R., POSEL P., MORTENTHALER M., CHUQUIPIONDO-GUARDIA C. (2006) Tapeworms (Cestoda: Proteocephalidea) of fishes from the Amazon River in Peru. Comparative Parasitology 73: 111-120.

87.FALTÝNKOVÁ A., HAAS W. (2006) Larval trematodes in freshwater molluscs from the Elbe to Danube rivers (Southeast Germany): before and today. Parasitology Research 99: 572-582.

88.FALTÝNKOVÁ A., HORÁČKOVÁ E., HIRTOVÁ L., NOVOBILSKÝ A., MODRÝ D., SCHOLZ T. (2006) Is Radix peregra a new intermediate host of Fascioloides magna (Trematoda) in Europe? Field and experimental evidence. Acta Parasitologica 51: 87-90.

89.KUCHTA R., SCHOLZ T. (2006) Australicola pectinatus n. gen. and n. sp. (Cestoda: Pseudophyllidea) from deep-sea fish Beryx splendens from Tasmania. Journal of Parasitology 92: 126-129.

90.KUCHTA R., SHINN A.P., HANZELOVÁ V., SCHOLZ T. (2006) A comparative study of the egg morphology in four species of Eubothrium (Cestoda: Pseudophyllidea) with comments o­n their early development. Invertebrate Biology 125: 1-8.

91.LEVRON C., BRUŇANSKÁ M., KUCHTA R., FREEMAN M., SCHOLZ T. (2006) Spermatozoon ultrastructure of the pseudophyllidean cestode Paraechinophallus japonicus, a parasite of deep-sea fish Psenopsis anomala (Perciformes, Centrolophidae). Parasitology Research 100: 115-121.

92.LEVRON C., BRUŇANSKÁ M., PODDUBNAYA L.G. (2006) Spermatological characters in Diphyllobothrium latum (Cestoda: Pseudophyllidea). Journal of Morphology 267: 1110-1119.

93.LEVRON C., BRUŇANSKÁ M., PODDUBNAYA L.G. (2006) Spermatological characters of the pseudophyllidean cestode Bothriocephalus scorpii (Müller, 1776). Parasitology International 55: 113-120.

94.MORAVEC F. (2006) Systematic status of Rhabdochona leucaspii Kritscher, 1979 (Nematoda: Rhabdochonidae). Folia Parasitologica 53: 240-0. (link)

95.MORAVEC F., DE BURON I. (2006) Two new species of philometrid nematodes (Nematoda: Philometridae) from the southern flounder Paralichthys lethostigma in the estuaries of South Carolina, USA. Folia Parasitologica 53: 139-146. (link)

96.MORAVEC F., DE BURON I., ROUMILLAT W.A. (2006) Two new species of Philometra (Nematoda: Philometridae) parasitic in the perciform fish Cynoscion nebulosus (Sciaenidae) in the estuaries of South Carolina, USA. Folia Parasitologica 53: 63-70. (link)

97.MORAVEC F., JUSTINE J.-L. (2006) Camallanus cotti (Nematoda: Camallanidae), an introduced parasite of fishes in New Caledonia. Folia Parasitologica 53: 287-296. (link)

98.MORAVEC F., JUSTINE J.-L. (2006) Three nematode species from elasmobranchs off New Caledonia. Systematic Parasitology 64: 131-145.

99.MORAVEC F., JUSTINE J.-L., RIGBY M.C. (2006) Some camallanid nematodes from marine perciform fishes off New Caledonia. Folia Parasitologica 53: 223-239. (link)

100.MORAVEC F., JUSTINE J.-L., WÜRTZ J., TARASCHEWSKI H., SASAL P. (2006) A new species of Procamallanus (Nematoda: Camallanidae) from Pacific eels (Anguilla spp.). Journal of Parasitology 92: 130-137.

101.MORAVEC F., KLIMPEL S., KARA E. (2006) Neoascarophis macrouri n. sp. (Nematoda: Cystidicolidae) from the stomach of Macrourus berglax (Macrouridae) in the eastern Greenland Sea. Systematic Parasitology 63: 231-237.

102.MORAVEC F., SCHOLZ T., DYKOVÁ I., KUCHTA R., FIALA I., KOHN A. (2006) Redescription of Alinema amazonicum (Travassos, 1960) n. comb., a philometrid nematode with unusual morphology. Journal of Parasitology 92: 138-144.

103.MORAVEC F., SCHOLZ T., KUCHTA R., DYKOVÁ I., POSEL P. (2006) New data o­n the morphology of Nilonema senticosum (Nematoda, Philometridae), a parasite of Arapaima gigas (Pisces), with notes o­n another philometrid, Alinema amazonicum, in Peru. Acta Parasitologica 51: 279-285.

104.MORAVEC F., ŠIMKOVÁ A., PEČÍNKOVÁ M., o­nDRAČKOVÁ M. (2006) Morphology of Philometroides barbi (Nematoda: Philometridae), a rare tissue parasite of the Mediterranean barbel Barbus meridionalis (Osteichthyes). Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 69: 265-268.

105.MORAVEC F., SPRATT D.M., KAY W.R. (2006) New observations o­n Micropleura australiensis (Nematoda, Dracunculoidea), a parasite of crocodiles in Australia. Acta Parasitologica 51: 273-278.

106.MORAVEC F., TARASCHEWSKI H., THAIRUNGROJ ANANTAPHRUTI M., MAIPANICH W., LAOPRASERT T. (2006) Procamallanus (Spirocamallanus) anguillae sp. n. (Camallanidae) and some other nematodes from the Indonesian shortfin eel Anguilla bicolor in Thailand. Parasitology Research 100: 69-75.

107.MORAVEC F., TERNENGO S., LEVRON C. (2006) Three species of Philometra (Nematoda, Philometridae) from marine fishes off Corsica, France. Acta Parasitologica 51: 111-118.

108.PODDUBNAYA L.G., BRUŇANSKÁ M., KUCHTA R., SCHOLZ T. (2006) First evidence of the presence of microtriches in the Gyrocotylidea. Journal of Parasitology 92: 703-707.

109.ŘIČÁNKOVÁ V., FRIC Z., CHLACHULA J., ŠŤASTNÁ P., FALTÝNKOVÁ A., ZEMEK F. (2006) Habitat requirements of the long-tailed ground squirrel (Spermophilus undulatus) in the southern Altai. Journal of Zoology 270: 1-8.

110.SCHOLZ T., HARRIS C.E. (2006) First report of metacestodes of Cyclustera ralli (Underwood and Dronen, 1986) (Cestoda: Cyclophyllidea) from the fish intermediate host, Fundulus heteroclitus (Linnaeus, 1766) (Cyprinodontiformes: Fundulidae) from Virginia, U.S.A. Comparative Parasitology 73: 130-133.

111.SCHOLZ T., MUNIZ-PEREIRA L.C., SANTOS C.P. (2006) Taxonomic status of Ascocotyle (Phagicola) rara Arruda, Muniz-Pereira et Pinto, 2002 (Digenea: Heterophyidae). Folia Parasitologica 53: 297-301. (link)

112.SIMOES S.B.E., SCHOLZ T., BARBOSA H.S., SANTOS C.P. (2006) Taxonomic status, redescription, and surface ultrastructure of Ascocotyle (Phagicola) pindoramensis n. comb. (Digenea: Heterophyidae). Journal of Parasitology 92: 501-508.

113.ŠKEŘÍKOVÁ A., BRABEC J., KUCHTA R., JIMÉNEZ J.A., GARCÍA H.H., SCHOLZ T. (2006) Is the human-infecting Diphyllobothrium pacificum a valid species or just a South American population of the Holarctic fish broad tapeworm, D. latum? American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 75: 307-310.

114.WIJOVÁ M., MORAVEC F., HORÁK A., LUKEŠ J. (2006) Evolutionary relationships of Spirurina (Nematoda: Chromadorea: Rhabditida) with special emphasis o­n dracunculoid nematodes inferred from SSU rRNA gene sequences. International Journal for Parasitology 36: 1067-1075. (pdf)

115.WU S., MORAVEC F., WANG G., NIE P. (2006) First description of the male and redescription of the female of Philometra clavaeceps Dogiel and Akhmerov, 1959 (Nematoda: Philometridae), a parasite of East Asian cyprinid fish. Journal of Parasitology 92: 380-384.

116.AGUIRRE-MACEDO M.L., SCHOLZ T. (2005) Culuwiya cichlidorum n. sp. (Digenea: Haploporidae) from the black-belt cichlid Vieja maculicauda (Pisces: Cichlidae) from Nicaragua. Journal of Parasitology 91: 1379-1384.

117.BRUŇANSKÁ M., SCHOLZ T., IBRAHEEM M.H. (2005) Spermiogenesis in the cestode Corallobothrium solidum Fritsch, 1886 (Proteocephalidea: Corallobothriinae). Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 86: 55-61.

118.DE CHAMBRIER A., SCHOLZ T. (2005) Redescription of Houssayela sudobim (Woodland, 1935) (Cestoda: Proteocephalidea), a parasite of Pseudoplatystoma fasciatum (Pisces: Siluriformes) from the River Amazon. Systematic Parasitology 62: 161-169.

119.FALTÝNKOVÁ A. (2005) Larval trematodes (Digenea) in molluscs from small water bodies near České Budějovice, Czech Republic. Acta Parasitologica 50: 49-55.

120.FERRER E., AZNAR F.J., BALBUENA J.A., KOSTADINOVA A., RAGA J.A., MORAVEC F. (2005) A new cystidicolid nematode from Mullus surmuletus (Perciformes: Mullidae) from the western Mediterranean. Journal of Parasitology 91: 335-344.

121.HANZELOVÁ V., KUCHTA R., SCHOLZ T., SHINN A.P. (2005) Morphometric analysis of four species of Eubothrium (Cestoda: Pseudophyllidea) parasites of salmonid fish: An interspecific and intraspecific comparison. Parasitology International 54: 207-214.

122.HYPŠA V., ŠKEŘÍKOVÁ A., SCHOLZ T. (2005) Phylogeny, evolution and host-parasite relationships of the order Proteocephalidea (Eucestoda) as revealed by combined analysis and secondary structure characters. Parasitology 130: 359-371.

123.KUCHTA R., HANZELOVÁ V., SHINN A.P., PODDUBNAYA L.G., SCHOLZ T. (2005) Redescription of Eubothrium fragile (Rudolphi, 1802) and E. rugosum (Batsch, 1786) (Cestoda: Pseudophyllidea), parasites of fish in the Holarctic Region. Folia Parasitologica 52: 251-260.

124.LEVRON C., BRUŇANSKÁ M., MARCHAND B. (2005) Spermiogenesis and sperm ultrastructure of the pseudophyllidean cestode Triaenophorus nodulosus (Pallas, 1781). Parasitology Research 98: 26-33.

125.LEVRON C., TERNENGO S., TOGUEBAYE B.S., MARCHAND B. (2005) Ultrastructural description of the life cycle of Nosema monorchis n. sp. (Microspora, Nosematidae), hyperparasite of Monorchis parvus (Digenea, Monorchiidae), intestinal parasite of Diplodus annularis (Pisces, Teleostei). European Journal of Protistology 41: 251-256.

126.LUKEŠ J., HORÁK A., SCHOLZ T. (2005) Helminth genome projects: all or nothing. Trends in Parasitology 21: 265-266.

127.MORAVEC F., ALI A.H. (2005) Two new species of Philometra (Nematoda: Philometridae) from needlefishes (Belonidae) in Iraq, with a key to Philometra spp. parasitic in the host’s subcutaneous tissue, fins and musculature. Folia Parasitologica 52: 267-273.

128.MORAVEC F., ČERVINKA S. (2005) Female morphology and systematic status of Philometroides cyprini (Nematoda: Philometridae), a parasite of carp. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 67: 105-109.

129.MORAVEC F., CONBOY G.A., SPEARE D.J. (2005) A new trichosomoidid from the skin of Sebastes spp. (Pisces) from British Columbia, Canada. Journal of Parasitology 91: 411-414.

130.MORAVEC F., JUSTINE J.-L. (2005) Two species of Philometra (Nematoda, Philometridae) from serranid fishes off New Caledonia. Acta Parasitologica 50: 323-331.

131.MORAVEC F., JUSTINE J.-L. (2005) Two anisakid nematodes from marine fishes off New Caledonia, including Raphidascaris (Ichthyascaris) nemipteri n. sp. from Nemipterus furcosus. Systematic Parasitology 62: 101-110.

132.MORAVEC F., NAGASAWA K., MIYAKAWA M. (2005) First record of ostracods as natural intermediate hosts of Anguillicola crassus, a pathogenic swimbladder parasite of eels Anguilla spp. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 66: 171-173.

133.MORAVEC F., SASAL P., WÜRTZ J., TARASCHEWSKI H. (2005) Cucullanus oceaniensis sp. n. (Nematoda: Cucullanidae) from Pacific eels (Anguilla spp.). Folia Parasitologica 52: 343-348. (link)

134.MORAVEC F., ŠIMKOVÁ A., HANZELOVÁ V., ŠPAKULOVÁ M., CAKIĆ P. (2005) Philometroides barbi sp. nov. (Nematoda, Philometridae) from Barbus meridionalis, a new philometrid from European freshwater fish. Acta Parasitologica 50: 319-322.

135.PELLIS-VAN BERKEL W., VERHEIJEN M.H.G., CUPPEN E., ASAHINA M., DE ROOIJ J., JANSEN G., PLASTERK R.H.A., BOS J.L., ZWARTKRUIS F.J.T. (2005) Requirement of the Caenorhabditis elegans RapGEF pxf-1 and rap-1 for epithelial integrity. Molecular Biology of the Cell 16: 106-116.

136.PODDUBNAYA L.G., MACKIEWICZ J.S., BRUŇANSKÁ M., SCHOLZ T. (2005) Fine structure of the female reproductive ducts of Cyathocephalus truncatus (Cestoda: Spathebothriidea), from salmonid fish. Folia Parasitologica 52: 323-338. (link)

137.PODDUBNAYA L.G., MACKIEWICZ J.S., BRUŇANSKÁ M., SCHOLZ T. (2005) Ultrastructural studies o­n the reproductive system of progenetic Diplocotyle olrikii (Cestoda: Spathebothriidea): observations o­n the ovarian tissue. Acta Parasitologica 50: 199-207.

138.PODDUBNAYA L.G., MACKIEWICZ J.S., ŚWIDERSKI Z., BRUŇANSKÁ M., SCHOLZ T. (2005) Fine structure of egg-forming complex ducts, eggshell formation and supporting neuronal plexus in progenetic Diplocotyle olrikii (Cestoda, Spathebothriidea). Acta Parasitologica 50: 292-304.

139.ŠILHÁNKOVÁ M., JINDRA M., ASAHINA M. (2005) Nuclear receptor NHR-25 is required for cell-shape dynamics during epidermal differentiation in Caenorhabditis elegans. Journal of Cell Science 118: 223-232.

140.TARASCHEWSKI H., BOOMKER J., KNOPF K., MORAVEC F. (2005) Anguillicola papernai (Nematoda: Anguillicolidae) and other helminths parasitizing the African longfin eel Anguilla mossambica. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 63: 185-195.

141.TERNENGO S., LEVRON C., DESIDERI F., MARCHAND B. (2005) Parasite communities in European eels Anguilla anguilla (Pisces, Teleostei) from a Corsican coastal pond. Vie et Milieu 55: 1-6.

142.TERNENGO S., LEVRON C., MARCHAND B. (2005) Metazoan parasites in sparid fish in Corsica (Western Mediterranean). Bulletin of the European Association of Fish Pathologists 25: 262–268.

143.WIJOVÁ M., MORAVEC F., HORÁK A., MODRÝ D., LUKEŠ J. (2005) Phylogenetic position of Dracunculus medinensis and some related nematodes inferred from 18S rRNA. Parasitology Research 96: 133-135. (pdf)

144.BRUŇANSKÁ M., SCHOLZ T., IBRAHEEM M.H. (2004) Ultrastructural characters of the spermatozoon of the cestode Corallobothrium solidum Fritsch, 1886 (Cestoda: Proteocephalidea), a parasite of the electric catfish Malapterurus electricus. Parasitology Research 94: 421-426.

145.BRUŇANSKÁ M., SCHOLZ T., IBRAHEEM M.H. (2004) Ultrastructural particularities of the spermatozoon of the cestode Electrotaenia malopteruri (Fritsch, 1886) (Proteocephalidae: Gangesiinae), a parasite of Malapterurus electricus (Siluriformes: Malapteruridae) from the river Nile, Egypt. Parasitology Research 93: 114-120.

146.BRUŇANSKÁ M., SCHOLZ T., NEBESÁŘOVÁ J. (2004) Reinvestigation of spermiogenesis in the proteocephalidean cestode Proteocephalus longicollis (Zeder, 1800). Journal of Parasitology 90: 23-29.

147.COX M.K., HUFFMAN D.G., MORAVEC F. (2004) Observations o­n the distribution and biology of Huffmanela huffmani (Nematoda: Trichosomoididae). Folia Parasitologica 51: 50-54. (link)

148.DE CHAMBRIER A., SCHOLZ T., IBRAHEEM M.H. (2004) Redescription of Electrotaenia malopteruri (Fritsch, 1886) (Cestoda: Proteocephalidae), a parasite of Malapterurus electricus (Siluriformes: Malapteruridae) from Egypt. Systematic Parasitology 57: 97-109.

149.FRANTOVÁ D., MORAVEC F. (2004) Comparative studies o­n intestine ultrastructure of third-stage larvae and adults of Cystidicoloides ephemeridarum (Nematoda, Cystidicolidae). Parasitology Research 94: 377-383.

150.FRANTOVÁ D., MORAVEC F. (2004) Ultrastructure of the body wall of infective larvae of Cystidicoloides ephemeridarum (Nematoda, Cystidicolidae) from mayflies. Parasitology Research 94: 106-111.

151.GONZÁLEZ-SOLÍS D., MORAVEC F. (2004) Two new nematode species, Orientatractis campechensis n. sp. and Orientatractis chiapasensis n. sp. (Nematoda: Atractidae) from cichlid fishes in southern Mexico and Nicaragua. Journal of Parasitology 90: 1443-1449.

152.JARKOVSKÝ J., KOUBKOVÁ B., SCHOLZ T., PROKEŠ M., BARUŠ V. (2004) Seasonal dynamics of Proteocephalus sagittus in the stone loach Barbatula barbatula from Haná River, Czech Republic. Journal of Helminthology 78: 225-229.

153.KUCHTA R., SCHOLZ T. (2004) Bathycestus brayi n. gen. and n. sp. (Cestoda: Pseudophyllidea) from the deep-sea fish Notacanthus bonaparte in the northeastern Atlantic. Journal of Parasitology 90: 316-321.

154.LOGAN F.J., HORÁK A., ŠTEFKA J., AYDOGDU A., SCHOLZ T. (2004) The phylogeny of diphyllobothriid tapeworms (Cestoda: Pseudophyllidea) based o­n ITS-2 rDNA sequences. Parasitology Research 94: 10-15.

155.MENDOZA-FRANCO E.F., KRITSKY D.C., VIDAL-MARTÍNEZ V.M., SCHOLZ T., AGUIRRE-MACEDO M.L. (2004) Neotropical Monogenoidea. 45. Revision of Diplectanocotyla Yamaguti, 1953 (Diplectanidae) with redescription of Diplectanocotyla magalopis Rakotofiringa and Oliver, 1987 o­n Atlantic tarpon, Megalops atlanticus Cuvier and Valenciennes, from Nicaragua Comparative Parasitology 71: 158-165.

156.MORAVEC F. (2004) Observations o­n the transmission and the seasonality of infection of the nematode Raphidascaris acus in Salmo trutta fario in s small trout stream in North Bohemia, Czech Republic. Helminthologia 41: 91-97.

157.MORAVEC F. (2004) The systematic status of Philometra abdominalis Nybelin, 1928 (Nematoda: Philometridae) [= a junior synonym of P. ovata (Zeder, 1803)]. Folia Parasitologica 51: 75-76.

158.MORAVEC F. (2004) Some aspects of the taxonomy and biology of dracunculoid nematodes parasitic in fishes: a review. Folia Parasitologica 51: 1-13.

159.MORAVEC F., CHARA J., SHINN A.P. (2004) Two nematodes, Dentinema trichomycteri n. g., n. sp. (Cosmocercidae) and Procamallanus chimusensis Freitas & Ibánez, 1968 (Camallanidae), from catfishes Trichomycterus spp. (Pisces) in Colombia. Systematic Parasitology 59: 189-197.

160.MORAVEC F., CRUZ-LACIERDA E.R., NAGASAWA K. (2004) Two Procamallanus spp. (Nematoda, Camallanidae) from fishes in the Philippines. Acta Parasitologica 49: 309-318.

161.MORAVEC F., FIALA I., DYKOVÁ I. (2004) Philometra thaiensis sp. nov. (Nematoda, Philometridae) from Tetraodon palembangensis and T. fluviatilis (Pisces) from fresh waters in Thailand, with a key to Philometra spp. parasitic in the host’s abdominal cavity. Acta Parasitologica 49: 319-324.

162.MORAVEC F., GENC E. (2004) Redescription of three Philometra spp. (Nematoda, Philometridae) from the gonads of marine perciform fishes of Iskenderun Bay (North-East Mediterranean), Turkey. Acta Parasitologica 49: 31-40.

163.MORAVEC F., KAY W.R., HOBBS R.P. (2004) Micropleura australiensis n. sp. (Nematoda: Micropleuridae) from the body cavity of Crocodylus johnsoni in Western Australia. Journal of Parasitology 90: 322-326.

164.MORAVEC F., LITTLE M.D. (2004) Redescription of Dracunculus globocephalus Mackin, 1927 (Nematoda: Dracunculidae), a parasite of the snapping turtle, Chelydra serpentina. Folia Parasitologica 51: 339-345. (link)

165.MORAVEC F., NIE P., WANG G. (2004) Redescription of Camallanus hypophthalmichthys Dogel and Akhmerov, 1959 (Nematoda: Camallanidae) and its first record from fishes in China. Journal of Parasitology 90: 1463-1467.

166.MORAVEC F., JUSTINE J.-L. (2009) Two cystidicolids (Nematoda, Cystidicolidae) from marine fishes off New Caledonia. Acta Parasitologica 54: 341-349.

167.MORAVEC F., JUSTINE J.-L. (2009) New data o­n dracunculoid nematodes from fishes off New Caledonia, including four new species of Philometra (Philometridae) and Ichthyofilaria (Guyanemidae). Folia Parasitologica 56: 129-142. (link)

168.MORAVEC F., KLIMPEL S. (2009) Two new species of cystidicolid nematodes from the digestive tract of the deep-sea fish Coryphaenoides mediterraneus (Giglioli) (Macrouridae) from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Systematic Parasitology 73: 37-47.

169.MORAVEC F., MUZZALL P.M. (2009) New species of Freitascapillaria (Nematoda: Capillariidae) from the intestine of Cottus caeruleomentum (Teleostei: Cottidae) in Maryland. Journal of Parasitology 95: 987-900.

170.MORAVEC F., SALGADO-MALDONADO G., CASPETA-MANDUJANO J.M., GONZÁLEZSOLÍS D. (2009) Redescription of Spinitectus tabascoensis (Nematoda: Cystidicolidae) from fishes of the Lacandon rain forest in Chiapas, southern Mexico, with remarks o­n Spinitectus macrospinosus and S. osorioi. Folia Parasitologica 56: 305-312. (link)

171.MORAVEC F., SANTOS C.P. (2009) Larval Pseudoproleptus sp. (Nematoda: Cystidicolidae) found in the Amazon river prawn Macrobrachium amazonicum (Decapoda: Palaemonidae) in Brazil. Journal of Parasitology 95: 634-638.

172.MORAVEC F., SANTOS C.P. (2009) Dracunculus brasiliensis sp n. (Nematoda: Dracunculidae) from the anaconda, Eunectes murinus (Ophidia: Boidae). Parasitology Research 104: 589-592.

173.Moravec f., saraiva a., abdullah s.m.a., bilal s.j., rahemo z.i.f. (2009) Two species of Rhabdochona Railliet, 1916 (Nematoda: Rhabdochonidae) parasitising cyprinid fishes in Iraq, with a redescription of R. tigridis Rahemo, 1978 (emend.). Systematic Parasitology 74: 125-135.

174.Oros m., hanzelová v. (2009) Re-establishment of the fish parasite fauna in the Tisa River systém (Slovakia) after a catastrophic pollution event. Parasitology Research 104: 1497-1506.

175.Oros m., hanzelová v., scholz t. (2009) Tapeworm Khawia sinensis: review of the introduction and subsequent decline of a pathogen of carp, Cyprinus carpio. Veterinary Parasitology 164: 217-222.

176.Pankov p., gibson d.i., kostadinova a. (2009) The translocated Liza haematocheila (Teleostei: Mugilidae) as a new host of four species of Saturnius Manter, 1969 (Digenea: Hemiuridae) within its invasive range in the Black Sea. Systematic Parasitology 74: 29-39.

177.Poddubnaya l.g., kuchta r., levron c., gibson d.i., scholz t. (2009) The unique ultrastructure of the uterus of the Gyrocotylidea (Cestoda) and its phylogenetic implication. Systematic Parasitology 74: 81-93.

178.Santos c.p., Moravec f. (2009) Tissue-dwelling philometrid nematodes of the fish Arapaima gigas in Brazil. Journal of Helminthology 83: 295-301.




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Trưởng Ban biên tập: TTND.PGS.TS. Hồ Văn Hoàng-Viện trưởng
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• Thiết kế bởi công ty cổ phần phần mềm: Quảng Ích