Updated publications on Strongyloides stercoralis in humans
7th National Workshop on Strongyloidiasis1.Grove DI . Strongyloidiasis in Allied ex-prisoners of war in south-east Asia. Br Med J. 1980;280 (6214):598-601. 2.Dawkins HJ, Grove DI , Dunsmore JD, Mitchell GF. Strongyloides ratti : susceptibility to infection and resistance to reinfection in inbred strains of mice as assessed by excretion of larvae. Int J Parasitol . 1980 ;10 (2):125-9. 3.Zaman V, Dawkins HJ, Grove DI . Scanning electron microscopy of the penetration of newborn mouse skin by Strongyloides ratti and Ancylostoma caninum larvae.Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health. 1980 ;11 (2):212-9. 4.Carroll SM, Karthigasu KT, Grove DI . Serodiagnosis of human strongyloidiasis by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg . 1981 ;75 (5):706-9. 5.Dawkins HJ, Grove DI . Kinetics of primary and secondary infections with Strongyloides ratti in mice. Int J Parasitol . 1981 ;11 (1):89-96. 6.Dawkins HJ, Muir GM, Grove DI . Histopathological appearances in primary and secondary infections with Strongyloides ratti in mice. Int J Parasitol . 1981 ;11 (1):97-103. 7.Grove DI , Blair AJ. Diagnosis of human strongyloidiasis by immunofluorescence, using Strongyloides ratti and S. stercoralis larvae. Am J Trop Med Hyg . 1981 ;30 (2):344-9. 8.Dawkins HJ, Grove DI . Transfer by serum and cells of resistance to infection with Strongyloides ratti in mice. Immunology. 1981 ;43 (2):317-22. 9.Grove DI , Dawkins HJ. Effects of prednisolone on murine strongyloidiasis .Parasitology. 1981 ;83 ( Pt 2):401-9. 10.Grove DI . Treatment of strongyloidiasis with thiabendazole : an analysis of toxicity and effectiveness. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg . 1982 ;76 (1):114-8. 11.Dawkins HJ, Grove DI . Immunisation of mice against Strongyloides ratti . Z Parasitenkd . 1982 ;66 (3):327-33. 12.Grove DI , Northern C. Infection and immunity in dogs infected with a human strain of Strongyloides stercoralis . Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg . 1982 ;76 (6):833-8. 13.Dawkins HJ, Thomason HJ, Grove DI . The occurrence of Strongyloides ratti in the tissues of mice after percutaneous infection. J Helminthol . 1982 ;56 (1):45-50. 14.Dawkins HJ, Grove DI . Attempts to establish infections with Strongyloidesstercoralis in mice and other laboratory animals. J Helminthol . 1982 ;56 (1):23-6. 15.Dawkins HJ, Mitchell GF, Grove DI . Strongyloides ratti infections in congenitally hypothymic (nude) mice. Aust J Exp Biol Med Sci. 1982 ;60 ( Pt 2):181-6. 16.Grove DI . Strongyloides ratti and S. stercoralis : the effects of thiabendazole , mebendazole , and cambendazole in infected mice. Am J Trop Med Hyg . 1982 ;31 (3 Pt1):469-76. 17.Grove DI . Strongyloidiasis : is it transmitted from husband to wife? Br J VenerDis. 1982 ;58 (4):271-2. 18.Dawkins HJ, Carroll SM, Grove DI . Humoral and cell-mediated immune responses in murine strongyloidiasis . Aust J Exp Biol Med Sci. 1982 ;60 (6):717-29. 19.Dawkins HJ, Robertson TA, Papadimitriou JM, Grove DI . Light and electron microscopical studies of the location of Strongyloides ratti in the mouse intestine. Z Parasitenkd . 1983 ;69 (3):357-70. 20.Grove DI . The effects of 22, 23-dihydroavermectin B1 on Strongyloides ratti and S. stercoralis infections in mice. Ann Trop Med Parasitol . 1983 ;77 (4):405-10. 21.Grove DI , Heenan PJ, Northern C. Persistent and disseminated infections with Strongyloides stercoralis in immunosuppressed dogs. Int J Parasitol . 1983 ;13 (5):483-90. 22.Carroll SM, Mayrhofer G, Dawkins HJ, Grove DI . Kinetics of intestinal lamina propria mast cells, globule leucocytes, intraepithelial lymphocytes, goblet cells and eosinophils in murine strongyloidiasis . Int Arch Allergy Appl Immunol . 1984 ;74 (4):311-7. 23.Grove DI , Northern C, Warwick A, Lovegrove FT. Loss of surface coat by Strongyloides ratti infective larvae during skin penetration: evidence using larvae radiolabelled with 67gallium. J Parasitol . 1984 ;70 (5):689-93 24.Grove DI , Northern C, Dawkins HJ. Interactions of Strongyloides ratti free-living and skin-penetrated infective larvae and parasitic adults with serum and cells in vitro. AustJ Exp Biol Med Sci. 1985 ;63 ( Pt 5):521-9. 25.Grove DI , Northern C, Heenan PJ. Strongyloides stercoralis infections in the muscles of mice: a model for investigating the systemic phase of strongyloidiasis . Pathology. 1986 ;18 (1):72-6. 26.Grove DI , Northern C. Strongyloides ratti and S. stercoralis : effects of cambendazole , thiabendazole and mebendazole in vitro. Rev Inst Med Trop Sao Paulo. 1986 ;28 (2):97-103. 27.Grove DI ( ed ). Strongyloidiasis : an important roundworm infection of man. Taylor Francis: London. 1989 28.Grove DI , Northern C. Oral transfer of Strongyloides ratti adult worms to mice. J Parasitol . 1987 ;73 (2):424-5 29.Sampson IA, Grove DI . Strongyloidiasis is endemic in another Australian population group: Indochinese immigrants. Med J Aust. 1987 ;146 (11):580-2. 30.Northern C, Grove DI . Antigenic analysis of Strongyloides ratti infective larvae and adult worms. Immunol Cell Biol. 1987 ;65 ( Pt 3):231-9. 31.Grove DI , Warton A, Yu LL, Northern C, Papadimitriou JM. Light and electron microscopical studies of the location of Strongyloides stercoralis in the jejunum of the immunosuppressed dog. Int J Parasitol . 1987 ;17 (7):1257-65 32.Grove DI , Warton A, Northern C, Papadimitriou JM. Electron microscopicalstudies of Strongyloides ratti infective larvae: loss of the surface coat during skin penetration. J Parasitol . 1987 ;73 (5):1030-4. 33.Grove DI , Northern C. The effects of thiabendazole , mebendazole and cambendazole in normal and immunosuppressed dogs infected with a human strain of Strongyloides stercoralis . Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg . 1988 ;82 (1):146-9. 34.Grove DI , Lumsden J, Northern C. Efficacy of albendazole against Strongyloidesratti and S. stercoralis in vitro, in mice, and in normal and immunosuppressed dogs. J Antimicrob Chemother . 1988 ;21 (1):75-84. 35.Northern C, Grove DI . Western blot analysis of reactivity to larval and adult Strongyloides ratti antigens in mice. Parasite Immunol . 1988 ;10 (6):681-91. 36.Northern C, Grove DI , Warton A, Lovegrove FT. Surface labelling of Strongyloidesratti : stage-specificity and cross-reactivity with S. stercoralis . Clin Exp Immunol . 1989;75 (3):487-92. 37.Grove DI , Northern C. Dissociation of the protective immune response in the mouse to Strongyloides ratti . J Helminthol . 1989 ;63 (4):307-14. 38.Northern C, Grove DI . Strongyloides stercoralis : antigenic analysis of infective larvae and adult worms. Int J Parasitol . 1990 ;20 (3):381-7. 39.Putland RA, Thomas SM, Grove DI , Johnson AM. Analysis of the 18S ribosomal RNA gene of Strongyloides stercoralis . Int J Parasitol . 1993 ;23 (1):149-51. 40.Grove DI . Strongyloidiasis : a conundrum for gastroenterologists. Gut. 1994 ;35(4):437-40. 41.Grove DI . Human strongyloidiasis . Adv Parasitol . 1996 ;38:251 -309. 8th National Workshop on StrongyloidiasisAbstracts ? Day 1 ·Session 1 : Strongyloides stercoralis and Diagnostic tests oWhat questions remain unanswered about strongyloides stercoralis? oLiving with strongyloides and experiencing strongyloidiasis oRole of pcr tests ·Session 2 : Strongyloides Guidelines and tests oInternal transcribed spacer region 1 (its1) as promising target for detection of intra-specific polymorphisms for strongyloides stercoralis oIs it time to formalize our guidelines on strongyloidiasis? oLaboratory guidelines group report Abstracts ? Day 2 ·Session 3 : Where is Strongyloides? oStrongyloides management guidelines oStrongyloidiasis in cambodia oStrongyloides at tiwi islands 2013 oThe distribution of strongyloides stercoralis in australia ·Session 4 : Community control programs oReducing the prevalence of scabies and strongyloidiasis in a remote aboriginal community in the northern territory oEngaging the community in the control of strongyloides: an integrated and participatory developmental approach oStrongyloidiasis as an occupational health and safety issue. ·Session 5 : Control Strategies oSystematic review of the barriers to controlling strongyloides in indigenous australian communities oAn integrated approach works: animal health and housing oA chronic disease approach to control of strongyloidiasis in endemic communities ·Session 6 : Implementation oStrongyloides and other intestinal parasites at galiwin?ku, northern territoryin the 1990s oSales statistics for ivermectin - what can we learn from them?