The Institute Youth Union organising voluntary medical exammination and free medicine distribution for the people of Hai Giang hamlet, Nhon Hai commune, Quy Nhon city
Implementing the plan No.01/KH-DTN of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union (HCMCYU) Executive Committee of IMPE-Quy Nhon on launching activities to respond to the "Year of Young Volunteers 2014" and saluting the establishment date of the HCMCYU 26th March, the Youth Union (YU) of IMPE-Quy Nhon in coordination with the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union of Quy Nhon City Police organised the voluntary medical exammination and free medicine distribution for poor people and families of preferential treatment policy at Hai Giang hamlet, Nhon Hai commune, Quy Nhon city. In the morning of 15th March 2014, the HCMCYU of IMPE-Quy Nhon and the HCMCYU of Quy Nhon City Police made a volunteer trip to Hai Giang hamlet. This is poor island commune, about 10 kilometres distant from Quy Nhon city with the economic income mainly depending on fishing. Therefore, the people's living conditions remain difficult, especially their access to health services has been still limited. With the purpose of improving the health of the local population, particularly people of preferential treatment policies such as: revolutionary contributors, poor households, demobilized soldiers, etc. young physicians of IMPE-Quy Nhon enthusiastically gave medical advices, voluntary examination and free medicines to more than 100 people. Moreover, the Institute young physicians went to the patients' houses to examine and guide their realatives how to give treatment and take care of the old or wounded and sick soldiers who cannot move around. An old man was moved by the volunteers? solicitude and said: "Thank you very much for all your help. Since I lived in this island commune, this is the first time the doctors have gone to my house to give me regards, examination and drugs. I am so touched and happy." Listening to his words, all the members of the Institute youth union felt happy due to their meaningful contribution to the people's healthcare. Then, the HCMCYU of IMPE-Quy Nhon and the HCMCYU of Quy Nhon City Police presented 20 gift packages (each costed 200.000 VND) to the poor households and families of preferential treatment policy and gave notebooks to the puplis with difficult circumstances.  | The HCMCYU of IMPE-Quy Nhon and the HCMCYU of Quy Nhon City Police launching voluntary activities to respond to the "Year of Young Volunteers 2014" |
The voluntary activitities has shown the heart of health care workers who always apply enthusiasm and devotion to the sake of public healthcare, especially the poor, families of preferential treatment policy, children in difficult situations and people living in islands, remote and mountainous areas. This work is really practical and consistent with the political missions delegated by the Party, the State and the Ministry of Health. Some images at the voluntary medical exammination: