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 Collaborative activities Global Funds for Malaria control
The Independent Monitoring Panel (IMP) of the RAI3E Programme visits and works at IMPE-QN

On June 15th 2022, the Institute of Malariology, Parasitology and Entomology Quy Nhon (IMPE-QN) welcomed and worked with the Independent Monitoring Panel (IMP) of the RAI Regional Steering Committee (RSC) o­n assessing the quality and effectiveness of the RAI3E project.

On behalf of the leadership of IMPE-QN, participants to the meeting included Dr. Huynh Hong Quang, vice-director, Dr. Ho Dac Thoan, head of General Planning Department and the staff concerned. The IMP members were Dr. Sean Edward Hewitt, head of IMP, Mr. Nguyen Dinh Nam, coordinator of the RAI3E project and others.

The aims of the working session are to learn about malaria situation in Central Vietnam, define the difficulties and challenges in achieving the goal and objectives of the Regional Artemisinin-resistance Initiative - 3 Elimination (RAI3E) in the period of 2021-2023, and make recommendations o­n enhancing the project efficiency.

At the meeting, Dr. Huynh Hong Quang, vice-director, delivered a presentation o­n IMPE-QN, malaria situation in Central Vietnam within the last 5 years. He noted that the Central Vietnam is characterized by its complicated malaria situation compared to the North and the South with the highest morbidity of malaria found in this region.  Despite the decrease in malaria indicators, the Central Vietnam has still confronted many difficulties and challenges such as uncontrollable mobilized population (free migrants, agricultural workers, forest goers, field-hut sleepers, border crossers between Vietnam-Cambodia or Vietnam-Laos), insecticide resistance and ineffective management of malaria patients at grassroots level. Moreover, Plasmodium falciparum population resistance to artemisinine derivatives or even artemisinine + partner drugs (piperaquine phosphate) has spread in many provinces, threatening the target of P.falciparum malaria elimination by 2025 and the roadmap of malaria elimination by 2030.

The RAI RSC IMP working at IMPE-QN

On behalf of the project management unit of IMPE-QN, Dr. Ho Dac Thoan made a report o­n the implementation of RAI3E activities in 2021 and in the first 4 months of 2022. The results showed that in 2021 the percentage of completion of the project activities was 100%, the disbursement rate reached 83.7%, and the participants to training courses accounted for 84.4% of the total invited (216/256). As of June 15th 2022, IMPE-QN accomplished 50% of the work; organised 9 out of 12 training courses with the attendance rate of 97.2% (240/247). The project activities have been carried out in accordance with the regulations o­n technical expertise, finance and plan.

Dr. Ho Dac Thoan, head of General Planning Department, presenting a report o­n RAI3E activities

in 2021 and the first 4 months of 2022

In the discussion, the experts expressed their interest in malaria situation at locality, the structure of malaria parasites in the region, malaria control measures, the knowledge - attitude - practice (KAP) of the people in malaria control, the operation of microscopy points, etc. All of the questions of the IMP members were answered by Dr. Huynh Hong Quang in a clear and satisfactory manner with specific evidence, which met the IMP's requirements.

After the meeting, the delegation visited the laboratories of IMPE-QN such as laboratories of malaria parasite culture, in vitro testing, molecular biology, mosquitoes feeding and chemicals testing. The professors highly appreciated the research results made by IMPE-QN in the past time as well as the concerns of the Institute's leadership about investing in infrastructure and laboratory equipment for the sake of scientific research.



The RAI RSC IMP visiting IMPE-QN's laboratories

The Regional Artemisinin-resistance Initiative - 3 Elimination (RAI3E), funded by the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, has covered 36 provinces of the whole country, in which IMPE-QN is responsible for 8 provinces with 68 districts of the project (Quang Binh, Quang tri, Binh Dinh, Phu Yen, Binh Thuan, Dak Nong and Gia Lai). The RAI3E project aims to reduce rate of malaria morbidity and mortality and towards the sustainable development goals of health in Viet Nam.

By An Khang and Nhu Quynh  


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Institue of Malariology Parastology and Entomology Quy Nhon
Address: 611B Nguyen Thai Hoc Str,. Quy Nhon City
Tel: (84) 056 846571 Fax: (84) 056 846755
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