IMPE-Quy Nhon takes initative in prevention of acute respiratory infections caused by new strains of Corona virus
Before complicated development, the ability to rapidly spread acute respiratory infections caused by a new strain of Corona virus (nCoV). In order to update information, be ready to respond to epidemics, guide ways to prevent possible transmission, thereby ensuring the safety of health workers and patients. on the afternoon of February 3, 2020, Quy Nhon Institute of Malaria, Parasitology and Insects held a scientific seminar on "Update information on disease situation and guidance on disease diagnosis and prevention. acute respiratory infections caused by a new strain of the Corona virus (nCoV)" for officials and workers throughout the Institute. At the meeting, Associate Professor, Dr. Ho Van Hoang, Director, Head of the Steering Committee for the prevention of acute respiratory infections caused by the new strain of Corona virus, Quy Nhon Institute of Malaria, Parasitology and Insects emphasized. Many important information related to epidemics, instructions of the Government, the Ministry of Health, especially the Institute's plans to proactively screen people at risk and respond to possible situations. out related to the epidemic. At the same time, Assoc. at the Specialized Clinic. Take some preventive measures and be ready to coordinate with local health workers in disease prevention when an epidemic spreads. In addition, based on the epidemiological situation and characteristics of the disease, the risk assessment results of the Vietnam Public Health Event Emergency Response Center showed that acute pneumonia caused by a new strain of corona virus. there is a possibility of an epidemic outbreak in the community if not actively implementing prevention measures.
 Assoc.Prof.Dr. Ho Van Hoang, Director delivered a speech to direct the scientific meeting. 
Dr. Quynh Hong Quang, Deputy Director presented an update on the situation of acute respiratory infections caused by nCov globally and in Vietnam.
The reporter presented some disease prevention measures as well as applying personal protection measures for officials and employees, restricting access to epidemic areas.
on the other hand, the Institute leaders have also established a Steering Committee for the prevention and control of acute respiratory infections caused by a new strain of Corona virus. At the same time, direct the functional departments to prepare chemicals, protective clothing, masks, gloves, disinfectant water ... Carry out disinfection, disinfection, participate in the prevention of respiratory infections. is caused by a new strain of the Corona virus (nCoV). Moreover, strengthening the supervision and examination of people coming to medical examination at specialized clinics. In addition, the Leadership of the Institute directs the implementation of epidemic risk communication, organizes a scientific meeting to disseminate disease prevention measures as well as application of personal protection measures. for officials and employees, to limit access to epidemic areas.
 Some messages to communicate information about the disease, recommendations on epidemic prevention at the unit and specialized medical clinic. 
Communication messages (pictures, posters) about disease information, and recommendations on epidemic prevention at the units and specialized clinics.
Strictly implementing all personal protective measures (protective clothing, masks, antiseptic water, gloves?.) for staff working at the clinic. 
Youth Union of Vien participating in cleaning up at the specialized medical clinic.
Institute staff conducted disinfection at clinics, surrounding areas Clinics, pharmacies, guest houses, cafeterias, chemical stores, patient waiting rooms ... The evolution of the nCoV translation is still complicated and unpredictable, but according to some comments, it may be at the peak of the translation next week and the translation may last. Quy Nhon Institute of Malaria, Parasitology and Insects will continue to strengthen preventive measures and strengthen communication to prevent disease risks to ensure the safety of health workers and patients. coordinate with local health care in disease prevention when an epidemic spreads.