Giới thiệu các ấn phẩm hữu ích trong nghiên cứu bệnh ký sinh trùng
1) General Parasitology - Textbooks F. E. G. Cox "Modern Parasitology" (Blackwell Scientific Publications) An invaluable general guide to parasitology
A. M. Dunn "Veterinary Helminthology" (William Heinemann Medical Books Ltd) BR> A good general guide to parasitic helminths of veterinary importance, covering both taxonomy and parasitic interaction with their hosts.
J. D. Smyth "Introduction to Animal Parasitology" (Hodder and Stoughton) A very good general parasitology book
E. J. L. Soulsby "Helminths, Arthropods and Protozoa of Domesticated Animals" (Bailliere Tindall) Another good general guide to all parasitic infections of veterinary importance
A. C. Chandler and C. P. Read "Introduction to Parasitology" (John Wiley And Sons. Inc) Rather old, but still generally useful
Heinz Mehlhorn (ed) "Parasitology in Focus - Facts and Trends" (Springer-Verlag) A very good (probably the best in my opinion) comprehensive guide to all aspects of parasitology, but rather expensive.
G. D. Schmidt and L. S. Roberts "Foundations of Parasitology" (Times Mirror / Mosby College Publishing) Another good (and cheaper) general parasitology guide. 2) More General Tropical Medicine as well as Parasitology Gordon Cook Manson's Tropical Diseases (W. B. Suanders and Co.) An excellent guide to parasitic and other diseases found in the tropics. Now in its 20th edition and covering all aspects of tropical medicine.
W. Peters and H. M. Giles "A Colour Atlas of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology" (Wolfe Medical Publications Ltd) A very informative colour atlas of tropical diseases, with lots of good photos and illustrations of tropical diseases. 3) General Reading W. H. McNeill "Plagues and Peoples" Penguin Books A very interesting and readable account of the interactions and co-evolution between parasites, viruses and bacteria and their hosts, and the implications of these infections throughout human history. 4) Schistosomiasis - Textbooks P. Jordan, G. Webbe and R. F. Sturrock (eds) Human Schistosomiasis (CAB International)
D. Rollinson and A. J. G. Simpson The Biology of Schistosomes - From Genes to Latrines (Academic Press)
John Farley Bilharzia - A History of Imperial Tropical Medicine (Cambridge History of Medicine) (Cambridge) A very interesting account of the social and political history of the study of Bilharzia 5) Journals The are many of these. Two very useful journals specialising in review articles are; Parasitology Today (Elsevier) Appearing Monthly Advances in Parasitology (Academic Press, New York) An Annual Publication Other Journals of interest include; "Parasitology" - © Cambridge University Press
"Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology" - Elsevier
"Transactions of the Royal Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene"
"The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene"