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Phần 1. Cập nhật về các nghiên cứu liên quan đến vector sốt rét trên thế giới và Việt Nam

   Nghiên cứu về các phương diện liên quan đến các loài côn trùng nói chung và vector truyền bệnh sốt rét nói riêng hiện đang được quan tâm đầu tư, song hành với các nghiên cứu cơ bản khác cũng như các nghiên cứu ứng dụng để sao cho có hiệu quả trong Lộ trình tiến tới loại trừ sốt rét trên thế giới cũng như ở Việt Nam. Đặc biệt, khía cạnh muỗi kháng hóa chất hiện cũng được các nhà khoa học quan tâm nghiên cứu để lựa chọn loại hóa chất tối ưu còn hiệu dụng trong kiểm soát vector.

Tất cả các vấn đề đó được nghiên cứu, công bố trên y văn. Nhân đây chúng tôi xin chia sẻ các ấn phẩm như trên.

The biological control of the malaria vector.

Kamareddine L.Toxins (Basel). 2012 Sep;4(9):748-67. doi: 10.3390/toxins4090748. Epub 2012 Sep 19. Review.PMID: 23105979 Free PMC Article Similar articles Select item 191683922.

Malaria vector control: current and future strategies.

Takken W, Knols BG.Trends Parasitol. 2009 Mar;25(3):101-4. doi: 10.1016/j.pt.2008.12.002. Epub 2009 Jan 23.PMID: 19168392 Similar articles Select item 218817763.

Can Wolbachia be used to control malaria?

Walker T, Moreira LA.Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz. 2011 Aug;106 Suppl 1:212-7. Review.PMID: 21881776 Free Article Similar articles Select item 173739424.

Contributions of Anopheles larval control to malaria suppression in tropical Africa: review of achievements and potential.

Walker K, Lynch M.Med Vet Entomol. 2007 Mar;21(1):2-21. Review.PMID:17373942 Similar articles Select item 163772495.

Entomopathogenic fungi as biological insecticides to control malaria.

Kanzok SM, Jacobs-Lorena M.Trends Parasitol. 2006 Feb;22(2):49-51. Epub 2005 Dec 27. Review.PMID: 16377249 Similar articles Select item 165790796.

[Malaria vector control in Cameroon: past, present, future. Reflections].

Carnevale P, Mouchet J.Bull Soc Pathol Exot. 2001 Jul;94(2 Pt 2):202-9. Review. French. PMID: 16579079 Similar articles Select item 178040297.

Larvivorous fish against malaria vectors: a new outlook.

Ghosh SK, Dash AP.Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg. 2007 Nov;101(11):1063-4. Epub 2007 Sep 4. Review.PMID: 17804029 Similar articles Select item 98301998.

Malaria: existing methods of vector control and molecular entomology.

Curtis CF, Townson H.Br Med Bull. 1998;54(2):311-25. Review.PMID: 9830199 Similar articles Select item 157480599.

Study of larvivorous fish for malaria vector control in Somalia, 2002.

Mohamed AA.East Mediterr Health J. 2003 Jul;9(4):618-26.PMID: 15748059 Similar articles Select item 2377774610.

Interactions between Asaia, Plasmodium and Anopheles: new insights into mosquito symbiosis and implications in malaria symbiotic control.

Capone A, Ricci I, Damiani C, Mosca M, Rossi P, Scuppa P, Crotti E, Epis S, Angeletti M, Valzano M, Sacchi L, Bandi C, Daffonchio D, Mandrioli M, Favia G.Parasit Vectors. 2013 Jun 18;6(1):182. doi: 10.1186/1756-3305-6-182.PMID: 23777746 Free PMC Article Similar articles Select item 2415983111.

Malaria vectors in the Greater Mekong Subregion: overview of malaria vectors and remaining challenges.

Hii J, Rueda LM.Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health. 2013;44 Suppl 1:73-165; discussion 306-7. Review.PMID: 24159831 Similar articles Select item 2379222712.

Insecticide resistance in Bemisia tabaci Gennadius (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) and Anopheles gambiae Giles (Diptera: Culicidae) could compromise the sustainability of malaria vector control strategies in West Africa.

Gnankiné O, Bassolé IH, Chandre F, Glitho I, Akogbeto M, Dabiré RK, Martin T.Acta Trop. 2013 Oct;128(1):7-17. doi: 10.1016/j.actatropica.2013.06.004. Epub 2013 Jun 17. Review.PMID: 23792227 Similar articles Select item 1112731813.

Status of malaria in Thailand.

Chareonviriyaphap T, Bangs MJ, Ratanatham S.Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health. 2000 Jun;31(2):225-37. Review.PMID: 11127318 Similar articles Select item 2020980514.

Current procedures of the integrated urban vector-mosquito control as an example in Cotonou (Benin, West Africa) and Wrocław area (Poland).

Rydzanicz K, Lonc E, Becker N.Wiad Parazytol. 2009;55(4):335-40.PMID: 20209805 Similar articles Select item 78125015.

Malaria eradication and control from a global standpoint.

Brown AW, Haworth J, Zahar AR.J Med Entomol. 1976 May 29;13(1):1-25. Review. No abstract available. PMID: 781250 Similar articles Select item 2562648516.

Interactions between a fungal entomopathogen and malaria parasites within a mosquito vector.

Heinig RL, Thomas MB.Malar J. 2015 Jan 28;14:22. doi: 10.1186/s12936-014-0526-x.PMID: 25626485 Free PMC Article Similar articles Select item 2210054517.

Microbial control of malaria: biological warfare against the parasite and its vector.

Abdul-Ghani R, Al-Mekhlafi AM, Alabsi MS.Acta Trop. 2012 Feb;121(2):71-84. doi: 10.1016/j.actatropica.2011.11.001. Epub 2011 Nov 15. Review.PMID: 22100545 Similar articles Select item 304313718.

[Malaria in the Republic of Djibouti. Strategy for control using a biological antilarval campaign: indigenous larvivorous fishes (Aphanius dispar) and bacterial toxins].

Louis JP, Albert JP.Med Trop (Mars). 1988 Apr-Jun;48(2):127-31. French. PMID: 3043137 Similar articles Select item 2264670019.

Transcriptome of the adult female malaria mosquito vector Anopheles albimanus.

Martínez-Barnetche J, Gómez-Barreto RE, Ovilla-Muñoz M, Téllez-Sosa J, García López DE, Dinglasan RR, Ubaida Mohien C, MacCallum RM, Redmond SN, Gibbons JG, Rokas A, Machado CA, Cazares-Raga FE, González-Cerón L, Hernández-Martínez S, Rodríguez López MH.BMC Genomics. 2012 May 30;13:207. doi: 10.1186/1471-2164-13-207.PMID: 22646700 Free PMC Article Similar articles Select item 1503603620.

The Anopheles gambiae genome: next steps for malaria vector control.

Touré YT, Oduola AM, Morel CM.Trends Parasitol. 2004 Mar;20(3):142-9. Review.PMID: 15036036 Similar articles

Malaria in the Greater Mekong Subregion: heterogeneity and complexity.

Cui L, Yan G, Sattabongkot J, Cao Y, Chen B, Chen X, Fan Q, Fang Q, Jongwutiwes S, Parker D, Sirichaisinthop J, Kyaw MP, Su XZ, Yang H, Yang Z, Wang B, Xu J, Zheng B, Zhong D, Zhou G.Acta Trop. 2012 Mar;121(3):227-39. doi: 10.1016/j.actatropica.2011.02.016. Epub 2011 Mar 5. Review.PMID: 21382335 Free PMC Article Similar articles Select item 2050086522.

The potential of a new larviciding method for the control of malaria vectors.

Devine GJ, Killeen GF.Malar J. 2010 May 25;9:142. doi: 10.1186/1475-2875-9-142.PMID: 20500865 Free PMC Article Similar articles Select item 1742672623.

Can fungal biopesticides control malaria?

Thomas MB, Read AF.Nat Rev Microbiol. 2007 May;5(5):377-83. Epub 2007 Apr 11. Review.PMID: 17426726 Similar articles Select item 1978444524.

Integrated malaria vector control with microbial larvicides and insecticide-treated nets in western Kenya: a controlled trial.

Fillinger U, Ndenga B, Githeko A, Lindsay SW.Bull World Health Organ. 2009 Sep;87(9):655-65.PMID: 19784445 Free PMC Article Similar articles Select item 2360737625.

Use of Bacillus thuringiensis var israelensis as a viable option in an Integrated Malaria Vector Control Programme in the Kumasi Metropolis, Ghana.

Nartey R, Owusu-Dabo E, Kruppa T, Baffour-Awuah S, Annan A, Oppong S, Becker N, Obiri-Danso K.Parasit Vectors. 2013 Apr 22;6:116. doi: 10.1186/1756-3305-6-116.PMID: 23607376 Free PMC Article Similar articles Select item 620699526.

The scope and limitations of insecticide spraying in rural vector control programmes in the states of Karnataka and Tamil Nadu in India.

Barai D, Hyma B, Ramesh A.Ecol Dis. 1982;1(4):243-55.PMID: 6206995 Similar articles Select item 2701064927.

Evaluation of Insecticides Susceptibility and Malaria Vector Potential of Anopheles annularis s.l. and Anopheles vagus in Assam, India.

Dhiman S, Yadav K, Rabha B, Goswami D, Hazarika S, Tyagi V.PLoS o­ne. 2016 Mar 24;11(3):e0151786. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0151786. eCollection 2016.PMID: 27010649 Free PMC Article Similar articles Select item 1700272528.

Malaria control using indoor residual spraying and larvivorous fish: a case study in Betul, central India.

Singh N, Shukla MM, Mishra AK, Singh MP, Paliwal JC, Dash AP.Trop Med Int Health. 2006 Oct;11(10):1512-20.PMID: 17002725 Free Article Similar articles Select item 842957029.

Prospects for the use of larvivorous fish for malaria control in Ethiopia: search for indigenous species and evaluation of their feeding capacity for mosquito larvae.

Fletcher M, Teklehaimanot A, Yemane G, Kassahun A, Kidane G, Beyene Y.J Trop Med Hyg. 1993 Feb;96(1):12-21.PMID: 8429570 Similar articles Select item 2574226230.

An overview of malaria transmission from the perspective of Amazon Anopheles vectors.

Pimenta PF, Orfano AS, Bahia AC, Duarte AP, Ríos-Velásquez CM, Melo FF, Pessoa FA, Oliveira GA, Campos KM, Villegas LM, Rodrigues NB, Nacif-Pimenta R, Simões RC, Monteiro WM, Amino R, Traub-Cseko YM, Lima JB, Barbosa MG, Lacerda MV.Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz. 2015 Feb;110(1):23-47. doi: 10.1590/0074-02760140266. Epub 2015 Feb 13. Review.PMID: 25742262 Free PMC Article Similar articles Select item 1118550731.

Infectious disease. The case for deemphasizing genomics in malaria control.

Curtis CF.Science. 2000 Nov 24;290(5496):1508.PMID: 11185507 Similar articles Select item 1768868632.

Malaria mosquito control using edible fish in western Kenya: preliminary findings of a controlled study.

Howard AF, Zhou G, Omlin FX.BMC Public Health. 2007 Aug 9;7:199.PMID: 17688686 Free PMC Article Similar articles Select item 39510833.

Partial suppression of malaria parasites in Aedes aegypti and Anopheles stephensi doubly infected with Nosema algerae and Plasmodium.

Gajanana A, Tewari SC, Reuben R, Rajagopalan PK.Indian J Med Res. 1979 Sep;70:417-23. No abstract available. PMID: 395108 Similar articles Select item 2229689834.

[On the way to eradicating malaria].

Bastiaens GJ, Bijker EM, Sauerwein RW.Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd. 2012;156(5):A4095. Review. Dutch. PMID: 22296898 Similar articles Select item 353232535.

Genetic selection of a Plasmodium-refractory strain of the malaria vector Anopheles gambiae.

Collins FH, Sakai RK, Vernick KD, Paskewitz S, Seeley DC, Miller LH, Collins WE, Campbell CC, Gwadz RW.Science. 1986 Oct 31;234(4776):607-10.PMID: 3532325 Similar articles Select item 2302872436.

Pyrethroid resistance in Anopheles gambiae, in Bomi County, Liberia, compromises malaria vector control.

Temu EA, Maxwell C, Munyekenye G, Howard AF, Munga S, Avicor SW, Poupardin R, Jones JJ, Allan R, Kleinschmidt I, Ranson H.PLoS o­ne. 2012;7(9):e44986. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0044986. Epub 2012 Sep 13.PMID: 23028724 Free PMC Article Similar articles Select item 2622545537.

Insect pathogens as biological control agents: Back to the future.

Lacey LA, Grzywacz D, Shapiro-Ilan DI, Frutos R, Brownbridge M, Goettel MS.J Invertebr Pathol. 2015 Nov;132:1-41. doi: 10.1016/j.jip.2015.07.009. Epub 2015 Jul 27. Review.PMID: 26225455 Similar articles Select item 961278438.

[Malaria, anopheles, the anti-malaria campaign in French Guyana: between dogmatism and judgment].

Raccurt CP.Med Trop (Mars). 1997;57(4):401-6. Review. French. PMID: 9612784 Similar articles Select item 944475639.

Malaria parasite development in mosquitoes.

Beier JC.Annu Rev Entomol. 1998;43:519-43. Review.PMID: 9444756 Similar articles Select item 2485092440.

Insecticide exposure impacts vector-parasite interactions in insecticide-resistant malaria vectors.

Alout H, Djègbè I, Chandre F, Djogbénou LS, Dabiré RK, Corbel V, Cohuet A.Proc Biol Sci. 2014 Jul 7;281(1786). pii: 20140389. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2014.0389.PMID: 24850924 Free PMC Article Similar articles

An entomopathogenic fungus for control of adult African malaria mosquitoes.

Scholte EJ, Ng'habi K, Kihonda J, Takken W, Paaijmans K, Abdulla S, Killeen GF, Knols BG.Science. 2005 Jun 10;308(5728):1641-2.PMID: 15947190 Free Article Similar articles Select item 1280347442.

Anopheles gambiae genome: perspectives for malaria control.

Brey PT.

Mol Cells. 2003 Apr 30;15(2):133-8.

PMID: 12803474 Free Article Similar articles Select item 2458924743.

Insecticide resistance of Anopheles sinensis and An. vagus in Hainan Island, a malaria-endemic area of China.

Qin Q, Li Y, Zhong D, Zhou N, Chang X, Li C, Cui L, Yan G, Chen XG.

Parasit Vectors. 2014 Mar 3;7:92. doi: 10.1186/1756-3305-7-92.

PMID: 24589247 Free PMC Article Similar articles Select item 2240551344.

Assessment of microbial larvicide spraying with Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis, for the prevention of malaria.

Kinde-Gazard D, Baglo T.

Med Mal Infect. 2012 Mar;42(3):114-8. doi: 10.1016/j.medmal.2012.01.010. Epub 2012 Mar 7.

PMID: 22405513 Similar articles Select item 218277445.

The effect of Bacillus sphaericus upon the susceptibility of Anopheles quadrimaculatus to Plasmodium berghei.

Young MD, Undeen AH, Dame DA, Wing SR.

J Am Mosq Control Assoc. 1990 Mar;6(1):139-40.

PMID: 2182774 Similar articles Select item 929168646.

Biological control of malaria vectors.

Das PK, Amalraj DD.

Indian J Med Res. 1997 Aug;106:174-97. Review.

PMID: 9291686 Similar articles Select item 2391045947.

The changes in mosquito vector behaviour and the emerging resistance to insecticides will challenge the decline of malaria.

Sokhna C, Ndiath MO, Rogier C.

Clin Microbiol Infect. 2013 Oct;19(10):902-7. doi: 10.1111/1469-0691.12314. Epub 2013 Jul 30. Review.

PMID: 23910459 Free Article Similar articles Select item 1932004348.

Real-time quantitative PCR for analysis of candidate fungal biopesticides against malaria: technique validation and first applications.

Bell AS, Blanford S, Jenkins N, Thomas MB, Read AF.

J Invertebr Pathol. 2009 Mar;100(3):160-8. doi: 10.1016/j.jip.2009.01.006.

PMID: 19320043Free PMC Article Similar articles Select item 781098649.

Malaria: current and future prospects for control.

Collins FH, Paskewitz SM.

Annu Rev Entomol. 1995;40:195-219. Review.

PMID: 7810986 Similar articles Select item 1853400650.

The insecticide resistance status of malaria vectors in the Mekong region.

Van Bortel W, Trung HD, Thuan le K, Sochantha T, Socheat D, Sumrandee C, Baimai V, Keokenchanh K, Samlane P, Roelants P, Denis L, Verhaeghen K, Obsomer V, Coosemans M.

Malar J. 2008 Jun 5;7:102. doi: 10.1186/1475-2875-7-102.

PMID: 18534006 Free PMC Article Similar articles Select item 2126603751.

Chlorfenapyr: a new insecticide with novel mode of action can control pyrethroid resistant malaria vectors.

Raghavendra K, Barik TK, Sharma P, Bhatt RM, Srivastava HC, Sreehari U, Dash AP.

Malar J. 2011 Jan 25;10:16. doi: 10.1186/1475-2875-10-16.

PMID: 21266037 Free PMC Article Similar articles Select item 2835204152.

Challenges for malaria vector control in sub-Saharan Africa: Resistance and behavioral adaptations in Anopheles populations.

Sougoufara S, Doucouré S, Backé Sembéne PM, Harry M, Sokhna C.

J Vector Borne Dis. 2017 Jan-Mar;54(1):4-15. Review.

PMID: 28352041 Free Article Similar articles Select item 2620910353.

Early biting of the Anopheles gambiae s.s. and its challenges to vector control using insecticide treated nets in western Kenya highlands.

Wamae PM, Githeko AK, Otieno GO, Kabiru EW, Duombia SO.

Acta Trop. 2015 Oct;150:136-42. doi: 10.1016/j.actatropica.2015.07.008. Epub 2015 Jul 21.

PMID: 26209103 Similar articles Select item 1459627254.

Reflections o­n the Anopheles gambiae genome sequence, transgenic mosquitoes and the prospect for controlling malaria and other vector borne diseases.

Tabachnick WJ.

J Med Entomol. 2003 Sep;40(5):597-606. Review.

PMID: 14596272 Similar articles Select item 411747555.

The ecological implications of insecticide usage in malaria programs.

Brown AW.

Am J Trop Med Hyg. 1972 Sep;21(5):829-34. Review. No abstract available.

PMID: 4117475 Similar articles Select item 2343736356.

Anopheles moucheti and Anopheles vinckei are candidate vectors of ape Plasmodium parasites, including Plasmodium praefalciparum in Gabon.

Paupy C, Makanga B, Ollomo B, Rahola N, Durand P, Magnus J, Willaume E, Renaud F, Fontenille D, Prugnolle F.

PLoS o­ne. 2013;8(2):e57294. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0057294. Epub 2013 Feb 20.

PMID: 23437363 Free PMC Article Similar articles Select item 2659198757.

Malaria entomological profile in Tanzania from 1950 to 2010: a review of mosquito distribution, vectorial capacity and insecticide resistance.

Kabula B, Derua YA, Tungui P, Massue DJ, Sambu E, Stanley G, Mosha FW, Kisinza WN.

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PMID: 26591987 Similar articles Select item 2196639258.

The effects of age, exposure history and malaria infection o­n the susceptibility of Anopheles mosquitoes to low concentrations of pyrethroid.

Glunt KD, Thomas MB, Read AF.

PLoS o­ne. 2011;6(9):e24968. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0024968. Epub 2011 Sep 22.

PMID: 21966392 Free PMC Article Similar articles Select item 2425248659.

Harnessing mosquito-Wolbachia symbiosis for vector and disease control.

Bourtzis K, Dobson SL, Xi Z, Rasgon JL, Calvitti M, Moreira LA, Bossin HC, Moretti R, Baton LA, Hughes GL, Mavingui P, Gilles JR.

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PMID: 24252486 Similar articles Select item 2675494360.

A yeast strain associated to Anopheles mosquitoes produces a toxin able to kill malaria parasites.

Valzano M, Cecarini V, Cappelli A, Capone A, Bozic J, Cuccioloni M, Epis S, Petrelli D, Angeletti M, Eleuteri AM, Favia G, Ricci I.

Malar J. 2016 Jan 11;15:21. doi: 10.1186/s12936-015-1059-7.

PMID: 26754943 Free PMC Article Similar articles

Specific vector control methods for prevention and eradication of malaria in Israel.

Saliternik Z.

Trop Geogr Med. 1977 Mar;29(1):1-7.

PMID: 578040 Similar articles Select item 1254246662.

Insect immunity and its implication in mosquito-malaria interactions.

Dimopoulos G.

Cell Microbiol. 2003 Jan;5(1):3-14. Review.

PMID: 12542466Similar articles Select item 2328516863.

Optimized Pan-species and speciation duplex real-time PCR assays for Plasmodium parasites detection in malaria vectors.

Sandeu MM, Moussiliou A, Moiroux N, Padonou GG, Massougbodji A, Corbel V, Ndam NT.

PLoS o­ne. 2012;7(12):e52719. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0052719. Epub 2012 Dec 28.

PMID: 23285168 Free PMC ArticleSimilar articles Select item 1647990464.

Molecular entomology: a new promising tool for malaria control.

Joardar GK.

Indian J Public Health. 2005 Oct-Dec;49(4):231-4. Review.

PMID:16479904Free ArticleSimilar articles Select item 2691982865.

Anopheles subpictus carry human malaria parasites in an urban area of Western India and may facilitate perennial malaria transmission.

Kumar A, Hosmani R, Jadhav S, de Sousa T, Mohanty A, Naik M, Shettigar A, Kale S, Valecha N, Chery L, Rathod PK.

Malar J. 2016 Feb 27;15:124. doi: 10.1186/s12936-016-1177-x.

PMID: 26919828 Free PMC ArticleSimilar articles Select item 2362256166.

Development of a population suppression strain of the human malaria vector mosquito, Anopheles stephensi.

Marinotti O, Jasinskiene N, Fazekas A, Scaife S, Fu G, Mattingly ST, Chow K, Brown DM, Alphey L, James AA.

Malar J. 2013 Apr 26;12:142. doi: 10.1186/1475-2875-12-142.

PMID: 23622561 Free PMC ArticleSimilar articles Select item 2587953967.

Early biting and insecticide resistance in the malaria vector Anopheles might compromise the effectiveness of vector control intervention in Southwestern Uganda.

Ojuka P, Boum Y 2nd, Denoeud-Ndam L, Nabasumba C, Muller Y, Okia M, Mwanga-Amumpaire J, De Beaudrap P, Protopopoff N, Etard JF.

Malar J. 2015 Apr 9;14:148. doi: 10.1186/s12936-015-0653-z.

PMID: 25879539 Free PMC ArticleSimilar articles Select item 2696943068.

Frequent blood feeding enables insecticide-treated nets to reduce transmission by mosquitoes that bite predominately outdoors.

Russell TL, Beebe NW, Bugoro H, Apairamo A, Chow WK, Cooper RD, Collins FH, Lobo NF, Burkot TR.

Malar J. 2016 Mar 10;15:156. doi: 10.1186/s12936-016-1195-8.

PMID: 26969430 Free PMC Article Similar articles Select item 2594315769.

Advances in genetics and genomics: use and limitations in achieving malaria elimination goals.

Gunawardena S, Karunaweera ND.

Pathog Glob Health. 2015 May;109(3):123-41. doi: 10.1179/2047773215Y.0000000015. Review.

PMID: 25943157 Free PMC Article Similar articles Select item 147438370.

A review of malaria in Iran, 1975-90.

Manouchehri AV, Zaim M, Emadi AM.

J Am Mosq Control Assoc. 1992 Dec;8(4):381-5.

PMID: 1474383 Similar articles Select item 1895053671.

History of malaria control in Tajikistan and rapid malaria appraisal in an agro-ecological setting.

Matthys B, Sherkanov T, Karimov SS, Khabirov Z, Mostowlansky T, Utzinger J, Wyss K.

Malar J. 2008 Oct 26;7:217. doi: 10.1186/1475-2875-7-217.

PMID: 18950536 Free PMC Article Similar articles Select item 2637793072.

A new class of insecticide for malaria vector control: evaluation of mosquito nets treated singly with indoxacarb (oxadiazine) or with a pyrethroid mixture against Anopheles gambiae and Culex quinquefasciatus.

Oxborough RM, N'Guessan R, Kitau J, Tungu PK, Malone D, Mosha FW, Rowland MW.

Malar J. 2015 Sep 17;14:353. doi: 10.1186/s12936-015-0890-1.

PMID: 26377930Free PMC Article Similar articles Select item 1236478673.

Malaria control with genetically manipulated insect vectors.

Alphey L, Beard CB, Billingsley P, Coetzee M, Crisanti A, Curtis C, Eggleston P, Godfray C, Hemingway J, Jacobs-Lorena M, James AA, Kafatos FC, Mukwaya LG, Paton M, Powell JR, Schneider W, Scott TW, Sina B, Sinden R, Sinkins S, Spielman A, Touré Y, Collins FH.

Science. 2002 Oct 4;298(5591):119-21.

PMID: 12364786 Similar articles Select item 2126432574.

Multiple insecticide resistance: an impediment to insecticide-based malaria vector control program.

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