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Phần 3: Tổng hợp các nghiên cứu về bệnh do ấu trùng giun đũa chó/ mèo ở người

Toxocariasis: clinical aspects, epidemiology, medical ecology, and molecular aspects.

Despommier D.

Clin Microbiol Rev. 2003 Apr;16(2):265-72. Review.

PMID:12692098Free PMC ArticleSimilar articles Select item 257808232.

Epidemiology of human toxocariasis in Poland - A review of cases 1978-2009.

Borecka A, Kłapeć T.

Ann Agric Environ Med. 2015;22(1):28-31. doi: 10.5604/12321966.1141364. Review.

PMID:25780823Free ArticleSimilar articles Select item 239544353.

The epidemiology and public health importance of toxocariasis: a zoonosis of global importance.

Macpherson CN.

Int J Parasitol. 2013 Nov;43(12-13):999-1008. doi: 10.1016/j.ijpara.2013.07.004. Epub 2013 Aug 14. Review.

PMID:23954435Similar articlesSelect item 248082494.

Presence of anti-Toxocara canis antibodies and risk factors in children from the Amecameca and Chalco regions of México.

Cortés NN, Núñez CR, Guiliana BG, García PA, Cárdenas RH.

BMC Pediatr. 2015 May 30;15:65. doi: 10.1186/s12887-015-0385-9.

PMID:26024905Free PMC ArticleSimilar articles Select item 1181992542.


Degouy A, Menat C, Aubin F, Piarroux R, Woronoff-Lemsi MC, Humbert P.

Presse Med. 2001 Dec 22-29;30(39-40 Pt 1):1933-8. Review. French.

PMID:11819925Similar articles Select item 2804339243.

Influence of land use and meteorological factors o­n the spatial distribution of Toxocara canis and Toxocara cati eggs in soil in urban areas.

Gao X, Wang H, Li J, Qin H, Xiao J.

Vet Parasitol. 2017 Jan 15;233:80-85. doi: 10.1016/j.vetpar.2016.12.004. Epub 2016 Dec 12.

PMID:28043392Similar articlesSelect item 2017276244.

Epidemiologic and zoonotic aspects of ascarid infections in dogs and cats.

Lee AC, Schantz PM, Kazacos KR, Montgomery SP, Bowman DD.

Trends Parasitol. 2010 Apr;26(4):155-61. doi: 10.1016/j.pt.2010.01.002. Epub 2010 Feb 19. Review.

PMID:20172762Similar articles Select item 1270858945.

Human toxocariasis and direct contact with dogs.

Wolfe A, Wright IP.

Vet Rec. 2003 Apr 5;152(14):419-22.

PMID:12708589Similar articlesSelect item 2109506146.

Larval development of Toxocara canis in dogs.

Schnieder T, Laabs EM, Welz C.

Vet Parasitol. 2011 Feb 10;175(3-4):193-206. doi: 10.1016/j.vetpar.2010.10.027. Epub 2010 Oct 21. Review.

PMID:21095061Similar articles Select item 1692327547.

Intestinal nematode infections in Turkish military dogs with special reference to Toxocara canis.

Senlik B, Cirak VY, Karabacak A.

J Helminthol. 2006 Sep;80(3):299-303.

PMID:16923275Similar articles Select item 2880729148.

Toxocara canis: Analysis of the kinetics of antigen release and antibody production in an in vivo model for the detection of past or present infection.

Rodríguez-Caballero A, Martínez-Gordillo MN, Caballero-Salazar S, Rufino-González Y, Ponce-Macotela M.

Vet Parasitol. 2017 Aug 30;243:183-187. doi: 10.1016/j.vetpar.2017.06.027. Epub 2017 Jul 1.

PMID:28807291Similar articlesSelect item 2333995149.

Eosinophilic pneumonia due to toxocariasis: an adult case report.

Demirci M, Unlü M, Fidan F, Kaya S.

Turkiye Parazitol Derg. 2012;36(4):258-9. doi: 10.5152/tpd.2012.61.

PMID:23339951Free ArticleSimilar articles Select item 2903797750.

Toxocariasis in humans in Africa - A systematic review.

Lötsch F, Vingerling R, Spijker R, Grobusch MP.

Travel Med Infect Dis. 2017 Nov - Dec;20:15-25. doi: 10.1016/j.tmaid.2017.10.009. Epub 2017 Oct 14. Review.

PMID:29037977Similar articlesSelect item 2620402551.

Risk of human toxocarosis in Poland due to Toxocara infection of dogs and cats.

Gawor J, Borecka A, Marczyńska M, Dobosz S, Żarnowska-Prymek H.

Acta Parasitol. 2014 Mar;60(1):99-104. doi: 10.1515/ap-2015-0012.

PMID:26204025Similar articlesSelect item 2878108552.

Human toxocariasis.

Ma G, Holland CV, Wang T, Hofmann A, Fan CK, Maizels RM, Hotez PJ, Gasser RB.

Lancet Infect Dis. 2018 Jan;18(1):e14-e24. doi: 10.1016/S1473-3099(17)30331-6. Epub 2017 Aug 3. Review.

PMID:28781085Similar articlesSelect item 770668253.

Epidemiology of Toxocara spp. in stray dogs and cats in Dublin, Ireland.

O'Lorcain P.

J Helminthol. 1994 Dec;68(4):331-6.

PMID:7706682Similar articles Select item 2070729854.

Occurrence of Toxocara spp. eggs in household environment of children with diagnosed toxocariasis in Łódź voivodeship.

Borecka A, Gawor J, Niedworok M, Sordyl B.

Wiad Parazytol. 2010;56(2):141-4. Polish.

PMID:20707298Similar articlesSelect item 2606257555.

Cerebral Toxocariasis: Silent Progression to Neurodegenerative Disorders?

Fan CK, Holland CV, Loxton K, Barghouth U.

Clin Microbiol Rev. 2015 Jul;28(3):663-86. doi: 10.1128/CMR.00106-14. Review. Erratum in: Clin Microbiol Rev. 2015 Oct;28(4):i.

PMID:26062575Free PMC ArticleSimilar articles Select item 1879381656.

Cutaneous manifestations of human toxocariasis.

Gavignet B, Piarroux R, Aubin F, Millon L, Humbert P.

J Am Acad Dermatol. 2008 Dec;59(6):1031-42. doi: 10.1016/j.jaad.2008.06.031. Epub 2008 Sep 14. Review.

PMID:18793816Similar articlesSelect item 1855427457.

Human toxocariasis: a report of nine cases.

Saporito L, Scarlata F, Colomba C, Infurnari L, Giordano S, Titone L.

Acta Paediatr. 2008 Sep;97(9):1301-2. doi: 10.1111/j.1651-2227.2008.00902.x. Epub 2008 Jun 12.

PMID:18554274Similar articlesSelect item 2322587058.

The significance of cerebral toxocariasis: a model system for exploring the link between brain involvement, behaviour and the immune response.

Holland CV, Hamilton CM.

J Exp Biol. 2013 Jan 1;216(Pt 1):78-83. doi: 10.1242/jeb.074120.

PMID:23225870Free ArticleSimilar articlesSelect item 2107432759.

A simplified method for hatching and isolating Toxocara canis larvae to facilitate excretory-secretory antigen collection in vitro.

Ponce-Macotela M, Rodríguez-Caballero A, Peralta-Abarca GE, Martínez-Gordillo MN.

Vet Parasitol. 2011 Feb 10;175(3-4):382-5. doi: 10.1016/j.vetpar.2010.10.030. Epub 2010 Nov 11.

PMID:21074327Similar articlesSelect item 2613539760.

New insights into the immunopathology of early Toxocara canis infection in mice.

Resende NM, Gazzinelli-Guimarães PH, Barbosa FS, Oliveira LM, Nogueira DS, Gazzinelli-Guimarães AC, Gonçalves MT, Amorim CC, Oliveira FM, Caliari MV, Rachid MA, Volpato GT, Bueno LL, Geiger SM, Fujiwara RT.

Parasit Vectors. 2015 Jul 2;8:354. doi: 10.1186/s13071-015-0962-7.

PMID:26135397Free PMC ArticleSimilar articles

Toxocariasis in children from a subtropical region].

Lopez Mde L, Martin G, Chamorro Mdel C, Mario Alonso J.

Medicina (B Aires). 2005;65(3):226-30. Spanish.

PMID:16042133Similar articlesSelect item 2769827662.

Human Toxocariasis: Prevalence and Factors Associated with Biosafety in Research Laboratories.

Mattos GT, Santos PC, Telmo PL, Berne ME, Scaini CJ.

Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2016 Dec 7;95(6):1428-1431. Epub 2016 Oct 3.

PMID:27698276Free PMC ArticleSimilar articles Select item 1112849363.

Ocular larva migrans caused by Toxocara cati in Mongolian gerbils and a comparison of ophthalmologic findings with those produced by T. canis.

Akao N, Takayanagi TH, Suzuki R, Tsukidate S, Fujita K.

J Parasitol. 2000 Oct;86(5):1133-5.

PMID:11128493Similar articlesSelect item 2445252664.

Pulmonary toxocariasis: a case report and literature review.

Ranasuriya G, Mian A, Boujaoude Z, Tsigrelis C.

Infection. 2014 Jun;42(3):575-8. doi: 10.1007/s15010-014-0587-3. Epub 2014 Jan 23. Review.

PMID:24452526Similar articlesSelect item 928992565.

Toxocara canis (Nematoda) and toxocariasis of animals and humans.

Okulewicz A, Złotorzycka J.

Wiad Parazytol. 1997;43(1):3-25. Review. Polish.

PMID:9289925Similar articlesSelect item 1538256366.

Negligible risk of visceral or ocular larva migrans from petting a dog.

Overgaauw PA, van Knapen F.

Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd. 2004 Aug 7;148(32):1600-3. Dutch.

PMID:15382563Similar articlesSelect item 1688634367.

Relationships between the prevalence of Toxocara eggs in dogs' faeces and soil.

Maśnik E.

Wiad Parazytol. 2000;46(2):239-44. Polish.

PMID:16886343Similar articlesSelect item 2657107168.

Toxocariasis-associated cardiac diseases--A systematic review of the literature.

Kuenzli E, Neumayr A, Chaney M, Blum J.

Acta Trop. 2016 Feb;154:107-20. doi: 10.1016/j.actatropica.2015.11.003. Epub 2015 Nov 11. Review.

PMID:26571071Similar articles Select item 1731727569.

Toxocariasis in Japan.

Akao N, Ohta N.

Parasitol Int. 2007 Jun;56(2):87-93. Epub 2007 Jan 26. Review.

PMID:17317275Similar articlesSelect item 2689579470.

Epidemiology of Toxocariasis in England and Wales.

Halsby K, Senyonjo L, Gupta S, Ladbury G, Suvari M, Chiodini P, Morgan D.

Zoonoses Public Health. 2016 Nov;63(7):529-533. doi: 10.1111/zph.12259. Epub 2016 Feb 20. Review.

PMID:26895794Similar articlesSelect item 2759429471.

A Rare Cause of Hypereosinophilia: A Case Report.

Merdin A, Ogur E, Çiçek Kolak Ç, Avcı Merdin F.

Turkiye Parazitol Derg. 2016 Jun;40(2):114-6. doi: 10.5152/tpd.2016.4211.

PMID:27594294Free ArticleSimilar articlesSelect item 1096281172.

Zoonotic parasitosis transmitted by dogs in the Chaco Salteño, Argentina.

Taranto NJ, Passamonte L, Marinconz R, de Marzi MC, Cajal SP, Malchiodi EL.

Medicina (B Aires). 2000;60(2):217-20. Spanish.

PMID:10962811Similar articles Select item 1838774773.

Prevalence of anti-T. canis antibodies in stray dogs in Mexico City.

Martínez-Barbabosa I, Quiroz MG, González LA, Cárdenas EM, Edubiel AA, Juárez JL, Gaona E.

Vet Parasitol. 2008 May 31;153(3-4):270-6. doi: 10.1016/j.vetpar.2008.02.011. Epub 2008 Feb 16.

PMID:18387747Similar articlesSelect item 940381474.

Toxocara canis.

No authors listed

J Small Anim Pract. 1997 Nov;38(11):531-4. No abstract available.

PMID:9403814Similar articles Select item 2186090375.

Prevalence and risk factors of human infection by Toxocara canis in Salvador, State of Bahia, Brazil.

Souza RF, Dattoli VC, Mendonça LR, Jesus JR, Baqueiro T, Santana Cde C, Santos NM, Barrouin-Melo SM, Alcantara-Neves NM.

Rev Soc Bras Med Trop. 2011 Jul-Aug;44(4):516-9. Portuguese.

PMID:21860903Free ArticleSimilar articles Select item 1969672576.

The effects of benzimidazoles o­n the larval stage of Toxocara cati in experimentally infected chickens.

Oryan A, Sadjjani SM, Azizi S.

Trop Biomed. 2009 Apr;26(1):30-9.

PMID:19696725Free ArticleSimilar articles Select item 1680257577.

Prevalence of Toxocara cati and other intestinal helminths in stray cats in Shiraz, Iran.

Zibaei M, Sadjjadi SM, Sarkari B.

Trop Biomed. 2007 Dec;24(2):39-43.

PMID:18209706Free ArticleSimilar articles Select item 1152043979.

Prevalence of species of Toxocara in dogs, cats and red foxes from the Poznan region, Poland.

Luty T.

J Helminthol. 2001 Jun;75(2):153-6.

PMID:11520439Similar articlesSelect item 120226080.

Production of Toxocara cati TES-120 Recombinant Antigen and Comparison with its T. canis Homolog for Serodiagnosis of Toxocariasis.

Zahabiun F, Sadjjadi SM, Yunus MH, Rahumatullah A, Moghaddam MH, Saidin S, Noordin R.

Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2015 Aug;93(2):319-25. doi: 10.4269/ajtmh.15-0190. Epub 2015 Jun 1.

PMID:26033026Free PMC ArticleSimilar articles Select item 973837982.

Toxocara canis infection. Environmental parasitologic and epidemiologic studies.

Tost F, Hellmann A, Ockert G.

Ophthalmologe. 1998 Jul;95(7):486-9. German.

PMID:9738379Similar articlesSelect item 2771638983.

Recurrent patent infections with Toxocara canis in household dogs older than six months: A prospective study.

Nijsse R, Mughini-Gras L, Wagenaar JA, Ploeger HW.

Parasit Vectors. 2016 Oct 4;9(1):531.

PMID:27716389Free PMC ArticleSimilar articlesSelect item 1173468584.

Effect of thiabendazole o­n the migration of Toxocara canis larvae in the mouse.

Abdel-Hameed AA.

J Parasitol. 1984 Apr;70(2):226-31.

PMID:6470886Similar articles Select item 2115944386.

Toxocara eggs shed by dogs and cats and their molecular and morphometric species-specific identification: is the finding of T. cati eggs shed by dogs of epidemiological relevance?

Fahrion AS, Schnyder M, Wichert B, Deplazes P.

Vet Parasitol. 2011 Apr 19;177(1-2):186-9. doi: 10.1016/j.vetpar.2010.11.028. Epub 2010 Nov 21.

PMID:21159443Similar articlesSelect item 1802663387.


Finsterer J, Auer H.

Rev Inst Med Trop Sao Paulo. 2007 Sep-Oct;49(5):279-87. Review.

PMID:18026633Free ArticleSimilar articles Select item 2341137688.

Lung histopathology, radiography, high-resolution computed tomography, and bronchio-alveolar lavage cytology are altered by Toxocara cati infection in cats and is independent of development of adult intestinal parasites.

Dillon AR, Tillson DM, Hathcock J, Brawner B, Wooldridge A, Cattley R, Welles B, Barney S, Lee-Fowler T, Botzman L, Sermersheim M, Garbarino R.

Vet Parasitol. 2013 Apr 15;193(4):413-26. doi: 10.1016/j.vetpar.2012.12.045. Epub 2013 Jan 16.

PMID:23411376Free ArticleSimilar articlesSelect item 60344789.


Sprent JF, Jones HI.

Aust Fam Physician. 1977 Dec;6(12):1519-25.

PMID:603447Similar articlesSelect item 1702014390.

Distribution of Toxocara infection in the environment and in definitive and paratenic hosts in Estonia.

Talvik H, Moks E, Mägi E, Järvis T, Miller I.

Acta Vet Hung. 2006 Sep;54(3):399-406.

PMID:17020143Similar articlesSelect item 267916191.

Toxocara larva migrans now.

Schantz PM.

Am J Trop Med Hyg. 1989 Sep;41(3 Suppl):21-34. Review. No abstract available.

PMID:2679161Similar articlesSelect item 2245173092.

Transmission of Toxocara canis via ingestion of raw cow liver: a cross-sectional study in healthy adults.

Choi D, Lim JH, Choi DC, Lee KS, Paik SW, Kim SH, Choi YH, Huh S.

Korean J Parasitol. 2012 Mar;50(1):23-7. doi: 10.3347/kjp.2012.50.1.23. Epub 2012 Mar 6.

PMID:22451730Free PMC ArticleSimilar articlesSelect item 2221433093.

Toxocara infection and its association with allergic manifestations.

Pinelli E, Aranzamendi C.

Endocr Metab Immune Disord Drug Targets. 2012 Mar;12(1):33-44. Review.

PMID:22214330Similar articlesSelect item 35640594.

Visceral larva migrans and alveolar hydatid disease. Dangers real or imagined.

Polley L.

Vet Clin North Am. 1978 May;8(2):353-78. Review.

PMID:356405Similar articlesSelect item 1043674895.

Epidemiology and public health consequences of human toxocariasis as a frequently occurring urban zoonosis.

Fok E, Rozgonyi F.

Orv Hetil. 1999 Jul 4;140(27):1513-8. Hungarian.

PMID:10436748Similar articlesSelect item 2584380696.

Microarray gene expression analysis reveals major differences between Toxocara canis and Toxocara cati neurotoxocarosis and involvement of T. canis in lipid biosynthetic processes.

Janecek E, Wilk E, Schughart K, Geffers R, Strube C.

Int J Parasitol. 2015 Jun;45(7):495-503. doi: 10.1016/j.ijpara.2015.02.009. Epub 2015 Apr 3.

PMID:25843806Similar articlesSelect item 3005064497.

Toxocariasis: a possible cause of acute pancreatitis?

Boussetta N, Arfaoui B, Metoui L, Dhahri R, Louzir B, Gharsallah I, Ajili F.

Pan Afr Med J. 2018 Mar 28;29:180. doi: 10.11604/pamj.2018.29.180.9630. eCollection 2018. French.

PMID:30050644Free PMC ArticleSimilar articles Select item 1820182598.

Patent Toxocara canis infections in previously exposed and in helminth-free dogs after infection with low numbers of embryonated eggs.

Fahrion AS, Staebler S, Deplazes P.

Vet Parasitol. 2008 Mar 25;152(1-2):108-15. doi: 10.1016/j.vetpar.2007.11.022. Epub 2007 Dec 4.

PMID:18201825Similar articles Select item 772450999.

Effect of various doses of infective Toxocara canis and Toxocara cati eggs o­n the humoral response and distribution of larvae in mice.

Havasiová-Reiterová K, Tomasovicová O, Dubinský P.

Parasitol Res. 1995;81(1):13-7.

PMID:7724509Similar articlesSelect item 19055065100.

Estimation of eosinophilia, immunoglobulin E and eosinophilic cationic protein concentration during the treatment of toxocariasis.

Niedworok M, Sordyl B, Borecka A, Gawor J, Małecka-Panas E.

Wiad Parazytol. 2008;54(3):225-30. Polish.

PMID:19055065Similar articles

Aspects of Toxocara epidemiology: toxocarosis in dogs and cats.

Overgaauw PA.

Crit Rev Microbiol. 1997;23(3):233-51. Review.

PMID:9347222Similar articlesSelect item 10219304102.

Detection of circulating antigens and antibodies in Toxocara canis infection among children in Chengdu, China.

Luo ZJ, Wang GX, Yang CI, Luo CH, Cheng SW, Liao L.

J Parasitol. 1999 Apr;85(2):252-6.

PMID:10219304Similar articles Select item 29016316103.

Toxocara Canis (Visceral Larva Migrans, Toxocariasis).

Winders WT, MenkinSmith L.

StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2019 Jan-.
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PMID:30860759Free Books & DocumentsSimilar articles Select item 27267534105.

Chronic polyarthritis as isolated manifestation of toxocariasis.

Viola GR, Giacomin MF, França CM, Sallum AM, Jacob CM, Silva CA.

Rev Bras Reumatol Engl Ed. 2016 Mar-Apr;56(2):185-7. doi: 10.1016/j.rbre.2014.07.005. Epub 2015 Feb 20. English, Portuguese.

PMID:27267534Free ArticleSimilar articles Select item 12692098106.

Toxocariasis: clinical aspects, epidemiology, medical ecology, and molecular aspects.

Despommier D.

Clin Microbiol Rev. 2003 Apr;16(2):265-72. Review.

PMID:12692098Free PMC ArticleSimilar articles Select item 14215239107.

toxocara canis infestation.


Dev Med Child Neurol. 1964 Oct;6:525-6. No abstract available.

PMID:14215239Similar articlesSelect item 2121841108.

Serologic differentiation between Toxocara canis and Toxocara cati.

Nagakura K, Kanno S, Tachibana H, Kaneda Y, Ohkido M, Kondo K, Inoue H.

J Infect Dis. 1990 Dec;162(6):1418-9. No abstract available.

PMID:2121841Similar articlesSelect item 29540354109.

Neglected parasitic infection: toxocariasis.

Tomoda Y, Futami S, Sumida K, Tanaka K.

BMJ Case Rep. 2018 Mar 14;2018. pii: bcr-2018-224492. doi: 10.1136/bcr-2018-224492. No abstract available.

PMID:29540354Similar articlesSelect item 23955916110.

Hepatic toxocariasis: a rare cause of right upper abdominal pain in the emergency department.

Coşkun F, Akıncı E.

Turkiye Parazitol Derg. 2013;37(2):151-3. doi: 10.5152/tpd.2013.33.

PMID:23955916Free ArticleSimilar articlesSelect item 14234289111.

Infection by the dog roundworm toxocara canis and fatal myocarditis.


N Z Med J. 1964 Nov;63:729-32. No abstract available.

PMID:14234289Similar articlesSelect item 25166906112.

Toxocariasis in North America: a systematic review.

Lee RM, Moore LB, Bottazzi ME, Hotez PJ.

PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2014 Aug 28;8(8):e3116. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0003116. eCollection 2014 Aug. Review.

PMID:25166906Free PMC ArticleSimilar articles Select item 13760231113.

Effects of superinfection o­n the behavior of Toxocara canis larvae in mice.


J Parasitol. 1960 Oct;46:583-8. No abstract available.

PMID:13760231Similar articlesSelect item 14237252114.

Toxocara canis infestation: clinical symptoms and signs with report of a case.


Trans Ophthalmol Soc Aust. 1963;23:88-9. No abstract available.

PMID:14237252Similar articlesSelect item 30457730115.

Visceral larva migrans syndrome and hepatic abscess: A case report.

Arighi P, Hausbauer GE, Vázquez MG, Nastri M.

Arch Argent Pediatr. 2018 Dec 1;116(6):e753-e756. doi: 10.5546/aap.2018.e753. Spanish.

PMID:30457730Free ArticleSimilar articlesSelect item 14272967116.

The resistance of tortoises, testudo graeca l., against toxocara canis infection.


Z Parasitenkd. 1965 Mar 3;25:387-92. No abstract available.

PMID:14272967Similar articlesSelect item 14184146117.

Encephalitis due to infection with toxocara canis. report of a suspected case.


Lancet. 1964 Jun 20;1(7347):1355-7. No abstract available.

PMID:14184146Similar articles Select item 13374528118.

Human infections with canine and feline ascaris larvae.


Bull Tulane Univ Med Fac. 1956 Nov;16(1):9-13. No abstract available.

PMID:13374528Similar articlesSelect item 28138052119.

Estimating Burdens of Neglected Tropical Zoonotic Diseases o­n Islands with Introduced Mammals.

de Wit LA, Croll DA, Tershy B, Newton KM, Spatz DR, Holmes ND, Kilpatrick AM.

Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2017 Mar;96(3):749-757. doi: 10.4269/ajtmh.16-0573. Epub 2017 Apr 6.

PMID:28138052Free PMC ArticleSimilar articles Select item 11157455120.

Toxocara: dogwalking and playing fields.

Gillespie S.

Br J Sports Med. 2001 Feb;35(1):6-7. No abstract available.

PMID:11157455Free PMC ArticleSimilar articles

Molecular characterization and transcriptional analysis of the female-enriched chondroitin proteoglycan 2 of Toxocara canis.

Ma GX, Zhou RQ, Hu L, Luo YL, Luo YF, Zhu HH.

J Helminthol. 2018 Mar;92(2):154-160. doi: 10.1017/S0022149X17000359. Epub 2017 Apr 24.

PMID:28434412Similar articles Select item 27084369123.

Neurotoxocariasis: a systematic literature review.

Deshayes S, Bonhomme J, de La Blanchardière A.

Infection. 2016 Oct;44(5):565-74. doi: 10.1007/s15010-016-0889-8. Epub 2016 Mar 23. Review.

PMID:27084369Similar articles Select item 26299194124.

Integrated health messaging for multiple neglected zoonoses: Approaches, challenges and opportunities in Morocco.

Ducrotoy MJ, Yahyaoui Azami H, El Berbri I, Bouslikhane M, Fassi Fihri O, Boué F, Petavy AF, Dakkak A, Welburn S, Bardosh KL.

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Expect the unexpected: a case of isolated eosinophilic meningitis in toxocariasis.

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Ngày 21/06/2019
TS.BS. Huỳnh Hồng Quang
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